Chapter Eleven: The Contract

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Mattheo's POV
You know, we don't always get what we want.
It's just part of life. And what I want right now is to unsmell my Amortentia.

I smelled her.

I smelled Eliana Gilldroy in my Amortentia. And I know she smelled me. Cigarettes were a dead giveaway. And I know she doesn't like Theodore Nott.

It there a way to legally commit suicide?
Ellie's POV
I smelt him in my Amortentia. The one person I wished to stay away from until the day I turn- fuck that, until I die. And that's in a pretty long time.

Riddles life is so easy. He just has to dress fancy and go to parties, and basically just show his face anywhere and that's his life. Pretty fucking easy.

Does he even have class at this point?
Like all he does is skip. How is he still the prince?
Mattheo's POV
I actually hate my life. This is the fourth party this week that I'm forced to attend and it's only Thursday. I wouldn't be surprised if Father sets up an arranged marriage at this point.

Now he's talking with my mother about finding me a new maid. Since I fired my old one, that is. My mother liked her. Fucking pathetic.

"You know, the Gilldroy family said that their Eliana would be great candidate." I stop.

"Eliana Gilldroy? Seriously?" I ask.

"Oh yes. I like her. Smart little girl. Better grades than you dear. Gorgeous as well." My mother says.

I practically gag. But at the same can't be that bad.

So this time tomorrow I'll have to see her. And her family. Wonderful.
Ellie's POV
"I'm sorry, WHAT?!" I basically scream at my parents who just tell me to sit down again.

"The slytherin Prince has requested a new maid and we've signed you up as a candidate. There were so many other girls and they chose you. How exciting honey!" My mom says.

"No. No that's not exciting, that's terrifying!" I say.

"They pay very well, you can actually get one on one time with the prince, you'd be a Royal technically, and you'd probably gain some fame." She says.

"So where do we have to go for this?" I ask after hearing THAT description.
It can't be that bad.
Mattheo's POV
Oh god. It's time. To meet Eliana Gilldroy(again) and her family.

Im standing between both of my parents when the butler opens the door for them. Her family. Her mother, looks very young, very fun, big smile. Her dad, serious, looks rich, good hair of you will. A little girl. Her sister I'm assuming. Dirty blonde hair on her head. Very cute. I suppose. And her. Black heels and dress. Stunning. Curled dark brown hair. Gorgeous. Amazing sleek makeup. Beautiful. Oh-shit stop it.

"Welcome to our home, Mr. and Mrs. Gilldroy. Eliana. And who's this young lady?" He points to the girl.

"Oh this is my sister, Vivianne." Ellie says. Vivianne smiles.

"Wonderful. Well. I'm Tom, pleasure to meet you all. My wife, Bella, and my Son Mattheo." I smile at them. My gaze lasts longer on Ellie than it should.

"Please, come eat." My father leads them to our dining room and they escort Ellie to sit next to me. Of course. Of fucking course. As soon as our elves have our food arrived, we start eating.

"So...Eliana, tell me about yourself." I look over at her. She looked a little nervous. Mhm.

"Oh well you know I'm in Slytherin, 16. I'm top of my class in history of magic and In Defense against the dark arts...and I'm studying to be an Auror." I'm a little surprised. Why would this drop dead stunning girl wanna waste her looks on being an Auror?

"That is wonderful. Absolutely wonderful. My Mattheo is actually studying to be an Auror as well. Maybe you will see each other on the same path. Or he would stay behind and take my place as king." He chuckles at his own joke. I'd never do that. Ever.

Soon after this very awkward dinner conversation, they let Ellie and I out to take a walk in our gardens to get to "know each other better". Mhm.

We sit on one of the benches outside of my...mansion I prefer to say and look at the stars.

"Are you gonna take the job?" I ask.

"I don't know yet. I do not wanna be living with you in both places." I chuckle at her words.

"It's not funny Riddle." I laugh again.

"It kinda is. You only don't wanna take the job...because of me?" I ask.

"Wow that was easy." She says sarcastically. I roll my eyes.

"You're a piece of shit sometimes." She looks offended.

"You're a douchebag sometimes." She says.

"Wow." I say shocked, who knew such words could come out of such a beautiful mouth?

"If the shoe fits wear it." She shrugs. I chuckle at it and look back at the sky.
Beautiful. Just like her.
hi loves! i rly hope you liked that chapter and the next two chapters are pretty spicy so i'm excited!!❤️❤️❤️

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