Chapter Twenty: Bad Friend

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Ellie's POV
"A war? I knew the different house royals didn't like each other, but I didn't know it was that bad." Pansy says.

"Not just any houses. Gryffindor and Slytherin. Once again in heat." I say.

"Well the slytherin king is a bit of an asshole, he got himself into this mess." Daphne says.

"Yeah tell me about it." I say.

Lorenzo walks into our dorm mid conversation.

"Hey, what ya guys doing?" He asks flopping on the bed we're sitting on.

"Talking. Why aren't you with the boys?" I ask.

"Mattheo's off doing Royal shit, Zabini and Pucey are at his hip. Draco's probably off making out with someone and I've no clue where Theo is." He says.

"Did you check the astronomy tower? Theo's always up there smoking." Daphne says.

Yeah I wonder how she knows that.

"I checked. I don't even think he's in the castle." He says.

"Weird." I say.

"I didn't even get to talk to him before he disappeared. I heard him talking with someone though. An older man." He says.

"Who?" Pansy asks.

"Don't know. But they said something about a war happening in a few weeks between Slytherin and Gryffindor. Theo said he'd be 'right over'. They also said something about you and Mattheo's marriage." He says.

"We know about the war. But why would Theo need to go with whoever that was? And why were they talking about me and Mattheo's wedding? It's...holy's tomorrow." I say.

"Ok you've said that eight times. We know it's tomorrow, are you sure that you do?" Daphne laughs.

"Yes Daphne. I do. It's just still a surprise." I say.

"The man also said the word 'Attack.' I don't know what that's supposed to mean." Lorenzo says.

"Me either." I say.
Mattheo's POV
"Yes the attack will happen during the reception, I've gathered the men." Theo says.

"Good. I need to make sure they know I'm serious. Killing a friend won't hurt. Say, that Parkinson girl? She of any use?" My father says.

"Not that I know of sir. But she is highly valued by the bride. Killing her, would increase the chances of a divorce." Theo says.

"True true. The Greengrass girl? That Daphne, I've heard you fancy her. Love is weakness son." My father says.

"I know sir, that is why I let my feelings go. But she is also high valued by the bride." Theo says.

"Damn. Any other guys or girls she has made amends with? That Berkshire boy?" My father asks. Theo's heart stops.

"I don't-I don't know sir...I've never heard of this man in my life." Theo says.

"Good. Then you'll have no problem telling your men to kill him. It's settled." My father says.

"No! I-I mean what if we chose someone else? A non slytherin, a weasley perhaps? The young girl? That ravenclaw, Luna lovegood?" Theo asks.

"You are smart boy. But not smart enough. You're giving yourself away but I know for a fact you are protecting your best friend, love is weakness!" My father says.

"I don't care! Lorenzo is my best friend and I will not sentence him to death, so we will choose someone else!" Theo says. My father stops moving. Still. He reaches for his wand.

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