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Date: January 28th, 2022

Y/n Pov:

What?! Was all I could think about when I finished Seal Qualification Training, and they selected me out of the very few who graduated with me to become a SEAL. It took a tremendous amount of work to make it this far, but I had done it. I didn't think I would make it this far.

Commander Higgins: "Y/N L/N, you have surprised even the high command with your performance here, being unbreakable during Hell Week, and surviving your BUDS training."

Y/n: "I put my best effort forward sir! It's an honor to reach this point sir!" I said while saluting my superior, glad to have made it to this point despite the hardship.

Commander Higgins: "As you may know, one of the qualifications for becoming a SEAL is that you are a minimum of 28 years old. You are 20. The upper chain of command has saw what you've done here Y/N L/N and they are nothing short of impressed, which is why they made an exception for your age. You are the youngest SEAL in recorded history. Be proud." He said with a big smile on his face, holding the SEAL Trident in his hand.

He then walked up to me, and lined the Trident up on my uniform, and punched it into my uniform with a decent amount of force. I Didn't care though, because I knew this was tradition and I was nothing short of ecstatic to have made it here.

Y/n: "Sir, I have a question"

Commander Higgins: "What would it be son?"

Y/n: "Well, what is after this? I became a seal, am I getting assigned to a seal team, or am I continuing training elsewhere?" I said with some slight confusion on my face.

He chuckled and replied,

Commander Higgins: "Son, you'll be assigned to your seal team in due time, but for now you'll be going home to see your family for a little while. You all that have graduated here will be going too, you've all earned it."

I was excited to be going back home, I couldn't wait to tell my Dad and Mom that I had made it! Wow it's been a long journey here I thought to myself.


Time skip: February 28th, 2022.

No one Pov:

Over the past month, Y/n had visited his parents, and told them of the exciting news. They were nothing short of happy for him, though a bit saddened that they wouldn't see him as much anymore because of deployments and training. He made a promise though. That he would see them as much as possible.

Little did he know, that this was a promise, that in the long run, he would not be able to keep.

He would arrive at a Marine Corps Barracks, much to his confusion, only being told "The local Navy Barracks are full, just wait here until you are assigned a seal team."

Y/n Pov:

I was utterly confused, why the hell did they send me to a Marine Corps barracks? I'm Navy. They only told me the navy barracks were full, which btw I call bull, they're never full.

Considering it was lunch time, you walked into the chow hall for the barracks, and as soon as the door swung open most of the Marines looked at you.
It was like it was a scene straight out of high school, much to your dismay.

Marine #1: "What? What is a sailor doing here?"

Marine #2: "Idk, wait. Is that a fucking Trident on his uniform? Is he a SEAL?!"

Some other Marines heard what he said and looked at you with surprise. They wondered why a Seal was in a Marine Corps barracks.

You got your plate, consisting of what looked to be a burger, mashed potatoes, and green beans to go along with it. You then sat down at one of the empty tables, not wanting to bother anyone.

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