Mall Trip

869 27 6

Time: 13:30, Location: Piltover Mall

Ahri Pov:

This feeling... the warmth... what is this?

I began to slowly wake up, opening my eyes, remembering where I was. I was laying my head down on Y/n's lap while Eve drove us to the Mall. I feel my cheeks heating up... this will never get old. I looked up at him, he didn't notice I was awake yet.

I slowly began to sit up, this time he realizes I'm awake, and he helps me sit up gently. I took a quick glance at him while he was helping me sit up, and he looked like he got a little bit of sleep too.

"Did you rest okay Ahri?" He asked me

"Yup, thanks to the comfy pillow I had!" I said gleefully

He bore a happy expression on his face, replying "I'm glad you got some decent rest... I hope my lap wasn't too uncomfortable!"

"It was pretty comfortable! Thanks for letting me sleep on your lap Y/n." I said to him

"It's no problem!" He said, smiling.

It was about this time we arrived at the mall, the car slowing coming to a halt, as Eve drove and parked the car in our designated parking spot. Already, I could see fans noticing our arrival, and beginning to pile up.

"Y'all have a designated parking spot?!" Y/n said.

"Yeah! Cool right?" Akali said to Y/n in response

"You 4 are full of surprises huh?" Y/n said

"This isn't even 1/4th of it. There is a floor designated completely to the wealthier groups of people, and we have our own pass to get in there.

It was still funny to see Y/n's reactions to the wealth we had gained from the creation of K/DA and the music we've made.

"So, how do we plan on getting past all of these people?" Y/n said, questioningly.

"We will have to walk past them to the entrance of the mall, Darling." Eve replied to him, garnering a simple nod in response.

"Oh, and you'll probably want to put these on." Eve said to him again

"What for?" Y/n said

"You'll see Darling~" Eve replied, making him confused.

He put on the sunglasses, still rather confused...

He was definitely not going to expect what happens when we get out of our car with fans surrounding us. It's all part of being a famous pop group. Dozens of fans and paparazzi following our almost every move in public.

"Everyone ready?" I said, getting nods from the others in response, I open my door, followed by the rest of the doors opening.

We all got out, and just as expected, we were met immediately with the blinding flashes of cameras. Y/n's facial expression remained neutral though, I guess this doesn't affect him too much.

We all began walking towards the entrance of the mall. Y/n next to me, Eve next to Kai, and Akali on Eve's right.

"Are they usually this excited to see you 4?" Y/n said in a little whisper next to my ear.

"Yep. Fans and Paparazzi follow us almost anywhere. Usually we will see our pictures on the news or social media."

"Jeez. Must be rough." He said to me, making me giggle.

"Yeah, sometimes I wish we could go out into public like we used to before we got super famous... we were never swarmed, maybe just a fan or two, but that was the most we encountered."

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