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Time: 06:00, April 1, 2022

Y/n Pov:

Today was April fools day. You kind of thought someone was going to try to play a devious prank on you, considering you had made some friends at base from the time you spent there.

In the back of your mind though, you were worried about yesterday, seeing the Admiral that serious, you wondered what was going on.

Y/n: "As much as I want to run this morning, I think I need to get breakfast. I'm never this hungry."

You said, and this was partly true. You've been hungry like this in the past, sometimes just outright forgetting to eat dinner because of how busy your days can be.

With that being said, you headed out to the chow hall since they started serving breakfast at 07:00 Sharp.

You got to the chow hall, and was surprised to see Grant, and Tom there. Greeting them, you sat down with a plate of breakfast and you all began chatting away.

Grant: "Y/n, I remember your commander coming in yesterday and saying the Admiral wanted to see you. What did he end up saying?"

Y/n: "Well he didn't say much, besides just complimenting me on the hard work I've done, and congratulating me on being the youngest SEAL in history."

You said, but on the inside you were worried about what actually happened, with the Admiral being called to the President's office.

Unfortunately you couldn't tell them that, because it was more than likely something you couldn't speak about.

Grant: "That's kinda awesome, to receive complements like that from someone of that high ranking, it would be an honor to be honest."

You nodded saying,

Yn: "Yeah, it was honestly refreshing to know my effort wasn't in vain."

Tom: "Hey Y/n, I know you like to look deep into things, researching them. Did you ever find out more about that troop amassment at the Russo-Ukrainian Border? I have been curious about it for awhile now."

He said, which kind of got your mind going. It was weird to say the least, that it was even happening in the first place. It just didn't sit right with you.

Y/n: "I haven't heard anything recently about it. But I can't say I don't have a bad feeling about it. I'm kinda worried."

The other nodded in agreement to you what you had said. Tom eventually replied saying,

Tom: "Well we finish basic today, which is kind of funny considering it's April 1st. It seems like the guys had some humor by making our finishing date on April fools."

He laughed lightly after he said that, which all of us chuckled at his statement.

Y/n: "Did any of you hear or find out what you're going to be assigned to do after you're done with basic?"

Grant&Tom: "Nope/Nuh-uh"

Y/n: "Interesting. Hopefully y'all won't get deployed immediately after finishing basic. That would suck tbh."

They nodded in unison, fully agreeing with me.

We finished up breakfast, and headed out to start our mornings.

??? Pov:

??? 2: "Мы предупредили наших солдат на передовой, что им дан зеленый свет." (We have alerted our soldiers on the front lines, that they have the green light.)

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