Surprise Visitors

647 21 8

Time: 17:24, Location: Highway

No one pov:

Y/n and Evelynn, after rapidly exiting the mall after what had happened, made a b-line for Evelynn's car.

There, they got in and started to head back to the Penthouse, ignoring most fan's requests for an autograph or picture.

As much as she hated it, she had to ignore them to get back to the penthouse before the media could catch on to what happened at the mall.

Y/n had been silent the entire time, making her curious about what he was thinking. Was it the fight that he just had to take part in? Or something entirely different? She didn't know.

The four still didn't know quite a lot about Y/n, but they knew they could trust him. He had put his skin on the line for them several times, never asking for anything in return.

It wouldn't be long before they find out more about his past. Yes, he had a normal childhood, but life happens...

Y/n thought highly of the four he was living with, hoping they thought the same.


Y/n Pov:

I was riding in the passenger seat of Eve's car, on the way back to the penthouse after that very eventful mall trip. I didn't want to, but I had to put the snobby asshole in his place. Also, why was he so obsessed over the fact I was apparently 'Powerless'?

I don't want to think about it much more. My brain hurts trying to comprehend stupidity...

"Eve, are you okay?"

I decided to check on her because she looked quite deep in thought. My abrupt questioning caught her off guard though, she jumped as soon as I spoke.

"I'm okay Y/n, why?"

"Just making sure. You seemed lost in another world there." I said while cracking a smile.

"I guess you could say that darling." She replied, returning the smile.

The traffic wasn't too bad, making the return trip to the penthouse all the more hasty.

Eve and I eventually made it home to the penthouse, with both of us walking through the door to find the house mostly empty.

"Oh, darling, I forgot to mention that Akali and Kai will be at the studio for a while."

"Oh alrighty then. I'll probably go ahead and cook something for us while we wait for them to get back."

Eve's phone started ringing, so she pulled it out of her pocket and answered.


"Yes. Why?"

"Okay, I will be right there."

Eve seemingly hung up the phone and spoke up.

"Darling, I am sorry, but I have to go to the studio. Akali and Kai need me for something related to the song."

I just chuckled

"No need to be sorry Eve. Go help them, I'll be right here. I'm not going anywhere." I finished with a smile

She returned it and began to walk out the penthouse before turning around, leaving me confused for a moment.

"Oh, and it will be just you and Ahri here until we get back. Just don't destroy the place~" she said, winking followed by a smirk

I just kind of blushed while thinking deeper what she meant by that. She giggled and continued out the door...

It was now just me and Ahri, alone. I knew there was nothing to worry about, 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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