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Time: Unknown, Date: Unknown.

Y/n Pov:

You woke up, feeling very dizzy. This place looked so unfamiliar compared to the rocky terrain that was mainland Poland.

"Where am I? This doesn't look anything like Poland?" You said to yourself, very confused as to where you were.

You wandered about the forest, you really did feel lost. All that you had on you was your M4A1, Your custom 1911 pistol with a rose engraved on each side of the grip that you recieved after the battle of lubny, your combat gear, ammo for your M4 and 1911, and some food rations for a few days. Considering how thick of forest you were in, you didn't know how many days you were going to be in there.

What confused you more, there was no Artillery fire echoing in the distance, no gunfire, no yelling of soldiers, hell it didn't even look like a place that had been fought in.

"Russel?! Ivan?! Anyone?!" You yelled, only response you got was the chirping of birds and the light breeze blowing.

"Where am I? Seriously?" You said. You began freaking out, genuinely.

Typically you are a very calm individual, but something about this forest, was just different. Very different. Though you couldn't quite put your finger on it.

"Okay, I just need to walk a direc- wait a minute I could try using my compass" pulling out your compass, you see it indeed worked.

"HELL YEAH! Okay, North is that way, I'm going to try walking south, and see where that takes me." You said, beginning what was to be your goal of getting out of this forest.

??? Pov:

I was just relaxing on the couch, on my phone, browsing the news. Of course, all I saw was articles talking about us, and how fans were fawning over us in every way possible. But, this was just part of being this famous, I guess.

Then she busted through the door, scaring me half to death! "Girls, gametime in about 3 and a half hours"

"Yeah, yeah, we know Akali. Why don't you just chill here? I mean we are all already in our stage outfits and our makeup is basically perfect." You said to her, making her shrug and just join you on the couch.

It had been about 6 months since our hit song 'POP/STARS'. Since then, we instantly became the most popular pop group in the world, gaining a monumental amount of fans aswell.

Some were your basic kind of fans, then you had your super fans which would be at almost every single one of our performances, then you had the obsessive ones. Ugh as much as I don't show it, I hated the obsessive ones. They always were so perverted towards us, one even asked if I could fuck them with my tails. Evelynn always loved it though, it almost made me think she got off on hearing our fans say the things they say about her. Kinda like an ego boost I guess? Though she would never actually let a fan touch her, or us for that matter.

Speaking of the devil (kinda literally), Evelynn walked through the door, assuming she finally finished her makeup, she sat down with the rest of us.

"What took you so long?" Akali said, which made Evelynn just smirk at her

"Oh sweetie, you know I have to have my makeup perfect. Can't have the Diva of K/DA looking off center now can we?"

Rolling my eyes I said "Sure. It's totally because you don't get a huge boost when our fans yell perverted things to you, right?"

Evelynn playfully scoffed, replying "Oh don't be so mean Ahri, you know I can't help myself. Our fans love the reactions we give in return though" she finished with a chuckle

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