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No one Pov:

1 month later, March 30th, 2022

Y/n had been settled in at the Marine Corps base for awhile now, he would go out for runs every morning, but since he was getting back into routine he would skip a run every other morning and substitute with lifting. Today was his rest day though, or so he thought.

Y/n Pov:

Hearing my alarm go off made me groggily get up and turn it off, and I slowly made my way to the bathroom to start my day. It was 06:00 and I planned to just relax and give my sore muscles a rest.

After brushing my teeth and combing my hair the way I liked it, I began messing around with my phone and playing some games on it.

After awhile, I decided to go ahead and head to the shooting range and practice my aim, and afterwards head to the chow hall for lunch.

You arrived at the chow hall at about 11:15 and sat down with Grant, Tom, and another one of their Marine buddies.

Y/n: "How's it going guys? Everything going alright?"

Grant: "Yeah Y/n, just been trying my best to survive in basic. DI Sam has been kicking our asses lately haha"

Tom: "He ain't lying. It's been rough, but we'll survive."

Y/n: "That's basic for you. I remember back when I did basic when I first joined the Navy 2 years ago. It was challenging to say the least."

Grant: "Wait a minute Y/n. You said you joined the Navy 2 years ago?"

I replied to him,

Y/n: "Yeah, why?"

He had a slight look of shock on his face and replied,

Grant:"So that means that you managed to become a Navy Seal 2 years after you joined the Navy. You are full of surprises Y/n. Btw how old are you?"

Y/n: "I'm 20. One of the requirements for being a Seal is to be a minimum of 28 years old, but high command saw what I did and apparently was so impressed they didn't care that I was 20."

All 3 of them just gave me a surprised stare, and then Tom said

Tom: "That's ridiculous. If you are able to become a Seal 8 years before the minimum age requirement, that must mean you're a hell of a soldier. I mean, what we saw at the range was enough to convince me and Grant."

He said with a slight chuckle

Y/n: "Yeah. It took a tremendous amount of effort to get to that point though. It doesn't come free."

Grant: "I can tell. I wish someday to be close to that level of marksmanship that's for sure."

I smiled and replied to Grant

Y/n: It will take time, if it seems like you aren't improving further, sometimes it's good to change something up and you will probably push yourself even further than before. Don't give up."

I said with a smile on my face


Commander Higgens Pov:

No.....Why does this have to be happening now? This mass build-up of troops at the Russo-Ukrainian Border is getting me really anxious. It's not every day that you see something like this.

Commander Higgens: "What do we do? We can't just start a war with them without knowing with higher certainty that is what their plan is!"

Captain Scott: "I can't make plans without speaking to the Admiral first. But from what it looks like, we might be forced to wait until the Russians do something."

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