Tensions Arising

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Y/n Pov:

It is the next day.

Time: 06:00 hours

Your alarm starts beeping at 06:00 sharp, and you slowly get up, realizing the time. You then jump up to start your day.

Y/n: "Jeez 06:00 comes early. Never gets old" You say to yourself.

First things first you go to the bathroom, brushing your teeth, and combing your hair the way you wanted it. It was time to get back into routine, despite you still feeling sore from SQT.

Y/n: "alright I gotta be out of here by 08:00 hours so I can go on my run. I should have enough time to go to the gym and lift afterwards." You said to yourself.

By this point it had become quite normal for you to talk to yourself. It was partial habit for you, one that you couldn't break so easily, so you just rolled with it.

It had reached 08:00 at this point, in which you were ready to head out for a morning run.

Y/n: "looks like Sam has 'em running early today" you chuckled to yourself, as you see the whole platoon running alongside Sam.

You overhear him saying to the Marines,

Sam: "Come on Marines! Don't slow down now! You owe me 100 push ups if I catch you slacking!"

You then slowly make your way up to the rest of them, matching pace. This is when Sam notices you when he looks over.

Sam: "Mornin' Y/n"

Y/n: "Mornin' Sam, how's the run been so far?"

He chuckled and replied with

Sam: "so far none of them have been slacking up. But them pushups as punishment might be motivating them enough!" He said with a laugh

He then looks at you again after awhile and says

Sam: "You usually run in the morning like this?"

You replied

Y/n: "Every day. I usually run, then hit the gym or something to lift. If I have time to, I'll spend a bunch of time training my aim or cqc skills aswell."

Sam: "Sounds like a good routine to have in the morning."

I chuckled and replied,

Y/n: "It can be a hassle at times, sometimes you don't feel like doing certain things but you gotta do them regardless."

Sam: "From what I'm hearing you could definitely teach these Marines a thing or two about Discipline." He laughed while looking at the Marine privates running next to him

Y/n: "I'm probably just gonna skip the lifting today. I think it would do more harm than good with me being as sore as I am. I'll more than likely just spend extra time at the range, though."

Sam: "Yeah I can understand where you're coming from. I would like to see you at the range though."

Y/n: "I'll be there after my run if things go according to plan. If not then I'll be at the chow hall for lunch.

Coming up on a split path, I decided to keep running, but Sam and the platoon of privates were finishing their run.

Sam: "Well this is the end of the run for us, see ya around Y/n" He said with a smile.

You replied,

Y/n: "Likewise." While looking back. Then you turned back around and kept running your path.
Time skip: 3 hours, 11:00 hours.

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