House Tour

481 18 3

Time: 10:30, location: penthouse

Akali Pov:

It was like 10 something in the morning when I woke up, I was now in the kitchen fixing Ramen for breakfast. The others weren't up yet, so I figured I'd just make some breakfast for myself. Some may ask me, Why Ramen for breakfast? Don't question it.

I just decided to scroll through social media to see what's new, of course seeing me and the other's pictures all over the internet, like always. Except this time, headlines I saw read 'K/DA's Mysterious Man' 'Possible Love Interest of One of K/DA' basically typical stuff I saw whenever someone else was seen in public with us that wasn't a girl.

Speaking of love interest, Ahri is probably the most likely to see him that way. As for the other girls and how they feel? Im not sure. Honestly, I just see Y/n as a bro.

He's really cool to hang around, and it would be nice to have someone to go to the gym with for once... I can never convince any of the others besides maybe Bokkie to go with me.

Speaking of Y/n, I usually see him up way earlier than this. What has got him sleeping in so late? Maybe he's just tired, I can't blame him, honestly.

Maybe I could go and try to convince him to come to the gym with me. Hopefully, he is awake, I don't want to interrupt his sleep.

Making my way down the hallway to his door, I tap on it lightly 3 times, waiting for a response. A few seconds pass with no response.

I tap 3 more times, a bit louder this time, still no response. I get this feeling to open the door, but I don't know if I should follow through.

Fuck it, I thought, opening the door.
My jaw dropped, I did NOT expect what I am seeing...

Y/n layed there, with Ahri cuddling him while laying her head on his chest, with all of her tails wrapped around him. Slowly taking out my phone, I snap a picture of it. The girls are gonna get a kick out of this one later! This was extremely cute to see though.

Lightly giggling to myself, I close the door in order to not interrupt the two sleeping together. They'll probably wake up soon anyways.

I head back down the hall to the kitchen to clean up the mess I made while making my Ramen, and then headed to the living room to sit down and chill on my phone.

Y/n Pov:

*Nightmare, The Battle of Kyiv*

I frustratingly sighed, because I recall orders we were given to hold this city to the last man following the Russian Invasion. It was a key point, held the governing body of Ukraine, and the fortifications that had been set up at this city was the only real threat to the Russians between here and the Polish border.

"Yo, Y/n. Honest question." Ivan spoke up, talking to me

I was torn out of my thoughts, and I turned to him, he seemed to have something on his mind.

"Shoot it brother."

"Do you-... Do you think we will even survive this? This whole war?" Ivan said worryingly

"I-I... don't know." I said, barely able to get it out. The thought of dying in this war, while not something I was afraid of, it was worrying to think how my parents, my family would react.

I didn't want them to receive a tri-folded American flag...

"I think after this whole war is over with, I'll go back home to go see my girlfriend and start a family with her." Ivan spoke, causing my thoughts to disappear again.

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