Pushed back to Poland

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No one pov:

The date was April 22nd, 2022.

It has been 21 days since the start of the invasion, and despite the United States, and Ukraine's efforts, Ukraine is on its last legs. The Siege of Kiev, was extremely bloody. Hell, even some called it Stalingrad 2. The siege ensued for weeks, with millions dead. On the day of April 20th, The Invading Russians took Kiev.

Only a few managed to escape on that day. They however were soon linked up again with U.S. Forces, and continued fighting despite now being on the edge of the polish border.

Y/n was exhausted, mentally and physically. The fighting has taken a toll on him, and he only felt like he could do but so much. He fought in Kiev, being one of the only few that made it out. He was asked to recollect of that day so people could learn about it, and he simply couldn't, only responding "That place was a living nightmare, something I'd rather not relive again."


Y/n Pov:

It was morning, surprisingly you didn't wake up to the blasts of Artillery shells hitting the ground, or sounds of gunfire, you woke up to birds chirping. Something you hadn't heard in a long time, it made you feel peace.

Y/n: "I'll tell you what. We are fighting a losing war. They've pushed us back to the polish border and it's not even been a month. We've suffered millions of casualties."

Luke: "Yeah. That's the reality of the situation though, I don't see why command hasn't brought allies into the war, I mean this is practically the start of a World War at this point. It's fuckin' ridiculous."

You nodded in agreement at his statement.

Truthfully, you were convinced you were going to die in Europe. The fighting was absolute hell, and sometimes it looked like retreat wasn't an option. Despite the odds, you were forced to continue fighting.

You knew high command didn't give a solitary fuck about the soldiers on the ground, the siege of Kiev was plenty enough to prove that. Lack of air support, no supplies being delivered, lack of communication, sometimes being outright ignored when you made a call to HQ.

You felt like the way command was handling things was why the war was losing, not because of the lack of numbers.

Y/n: "What are we even tasked with holding now? The polish border is only a couple of miles away."

Luke: "To be honest, I don't know. All that I've heard from other soldiers is that word has been going around that high command simply said 'Don't let them take Warsaw.' And that is it. I literally can't believe that's what our upper command is. No strategy, just 'Don't let them take this' and leaving every man to fend for himself... Fucking cowards."

You listened to what Luke said, and you knew he was fully right. It was like they had given up on the soldiers, something you never thought would have happened. You lost friends to this war, you lost alot to this war.

And the nail in the coffin was command basically telling you and your comrades to go shove it, which at this point in time, you couldn't understand why. Truthfully, you never would figure out or understand why they did.

Trapped in your thoughts, you were brought out of them by

*Distant Boom*

*Boom* *Boom*


Artillery started pummeling your positions, and then you saw it.

It literally looked like a wall of soldiers moving towards your position, you heard the screams of the Russians in the far distance as they charged at your position, and several tanks at full speed charging you aswell. It was only you, and Luke. The closest division of soldiers was about 20 minutes away. You didn't even think that was enough time before you were overran.

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