A Demon's Curiosity

767 27 11

Time: 08:00, Location: Penthouse

Y/n Pov:

My eyes slowly flutter open, realizing it's morning, last night a bit fuzzy, but a particular fox in my arms brings back the memory in full.

She still lay there, hugging me tight like there wasn't any other option. I had grown closer to Ahri and Kai more than the other two, but I was set on spending more time with Eve and Akali. I don't want them to feel left out.... I'm not really sure if they feel that way to begin with, though.

Stirring on my chest, I look down and it looked like Ahri was beginning to wake up. She opened her eyes, and then out came the cutest yawn I've ever seen. When she stopped yawning she looked up at me and smiled, I immediately returned the smile back, and she seemed content with this.

"Good Morning Y/n" She said, still sounding a bit groggy.

"Morning Ahri. Did you sleep alright?"

"I slept amazing! Thanks to you and your magical hands hihi!" She giggled

It seemed like she realized something afterwards

"Oh, don't you have to go get that suit tailored for you today?"

I nodded, "Yep. I'm going with Eve to get it tailored. She will probably know more about it than I will anyways."

"Hmmm. You never know, but I do wish you the best with it. I can't wait to see how it looks on you!"

I do wonder how it will look on me. After all, I was not one to get dressed formally, very often at all. The only exception to this was the occasional times I had to wear my Navy Dress Blues, but that was it.

"Welp, it's time for me to get ready." I chuckled, slowly trying to free myself from Ahri's grasp, only for her to grab onto me tighter.

"But your so warmmm!" She exclaimed, followed by a pout accompanied by puppy eyes.

"Pleasee? Just 5 more minutes!"

Damn it!!! This is unfair! It genuinely hurts to refuse while being caught in those puppy eyes.

Reluctantly I gave in.

"Finee... 5 more minutes, no more, and I'm going to the bathroom to get ready."

She had a huge grin on her face and layed her back down on my chest. It seemed like she would never let me go!

"You know, you've been awfully close to me lately. You've slept cuddled up to me 2 nights in a row... I don't think this is something friends do often, y'know?"

I said, and she just frowned playfully

"You know I don't mean it like that!! You're just really warm... and you make me feel safe..." She trailed off, seemingly lost in thought.

"Alright, whatever you say~" I teased

She pouted after hearing that.


After about 10 ish minutes, I decided to finally get up and start getting ready. Much to Ahri's dismay, I began to crawl out of bed and head to the bathroom.

Going through with my usual routine, I finish up and head to the living room, where I found just Eve. I do remember sometime after that talk we had, she wanted me to be ready by 09:00. It was currently 08:45, so I'm fine.

"Good morning darling." She spoke in a still slightly tired tone

"It sounds like you just woke up." I said with a grin

"I believe I woke up at 7 AM darling. It takes effort to look this fabulous~" she said while flicking her hair behind her shoulder

"If you say so. You ready to head out?"

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