The Battle of Lubny

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Time: 08:00, April 2, 2022

Y/n Pov:

You had started off your morning like you usually do, except you didn't have time to do your run or lift weights because of the transport helicopter arriving soon.

Y/n: "Time for a whole new setting."

You said to yourself, sighing. You knew you were about to be dropped straight into the middle of a Warzone, but you had no choice.

You quickly ran to the barracks and said your goodbyes to all of your buddies, and after that, right on time the transport helicopter arrives.

You board it, and Commander Higgins is waiting inside the helicopter for you.

Commander Higgins: "Welcome aboard son, you ready for today?"

You replied slightly chuckling, accepting what you'd have to do

Y/n: "As ready as one can get when facing literal death."

Commander Higgins: "Well do your best to survive out there, okay?"

Y/n: "I'll try. There's only so much one can do."

He nodded in agreement to you.

A couple of minutes pass and he decides to ask you something.

Commander Higgins: "Son, I hope you know that the landing zone is going to be extremely hot as soon as we drop you in, there are already Ukrainian and American soldiers on the ground, though.

Y/n: "I'm going to jump as a paratrooper?"

He nodded at your question, which only made you think of how you were going to get to the ground without being shot out the air.

The transport helicopter landed, and you and Commander Higgins got into a C-5M Galaxy Transport plane and headed to Ukraine.

It was rather silent so I decided to try to get some extra sleep, awaiting the fighting that was to come.
Time skip, 8 hours, time 16:00, location: Lubny, Ukraine.

Flying overhead with the C-5 Galaxy, the aircraft was taking shots from anti aircraft guns. You could hear the occasional *Ting* or *Crack* from bullets hitting the frame of the plane.

It was almost time to jump. You had your paratrooper gear on, ready to go. Your kit before dropping consisted of your personal M4A1, 4 grenades, 3 smoke grenades, any medical supplies that you needed that were light enough to carry, and 180 spare rounds of ammunition stored in 6 spare M4 magazines. 1 was already loaded in your gun, totaling 210 rounds.

It was your time to jump. To say you were terrified would be an understatement. This was your first time in an actual warzone. It was kill, or be killed.


The airman shouted at you and the other Army infantrymen that were jumping with you.

You gathered yourself, and leaped out the back of the C-5. All was calm for just a few seconds, until bullets started zipping past you.

Y/n: "Oh Shit!"

You said as you continued falling towards earth, getting ready to pull your parachute.

What you did know, is that this would be when you're most vulnerable.

About 30 seconds go by, and the ground is near. You pull the parachute, and it yanks you from the force of the parachute slowing you down. Now it was just a fight to get to the ground without dying.

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