Chapter 2

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As I tried to open my eyes I realised that I could and I was lying down on a quite comfy bed with a black and white furred puppy the bedding I was laying on was green with silver outlines on the bed I heard the door open and this and this weird creature who I then realise it was a house elf.

"master your father wants to see you," the house elf said and then clicked its finger and diapered.

so I got up and looked into the mirror and saw I had long blond hair and silver eyes but then if I'm a Malfoy I would not want to keep my farther

so I walk out of my door and my brain seems to remember were to go I walk until I see my dad leaning on the kitchen counter with my brother on the other side sat.

"morning my son" he said with a huge smile on his face and in his hand on the counter top

in his other hand was a yellow parchment letter and exitement flow threw me as I knew what was in his hand it was my Hogwarts exeptance letter. my farther held out his hand that had the letter.

The letter read (Italics are letters)

Dear Mr Malfoy

We are plesased to say that you have been invited ti Hogwarts school of whichcraft anf wizadry the term starts september 1. you will need

1. Cauldron.
2. DADA book by Bathilda Bagshot

Etc ( A/N you know the rest of you are a frequent reader of Harry Potter fanfics).

I could almost jump up and down  with pure energy that was coursing through my viens. 

"we will go to Diagon ally later today to get your stuff" He said to me then he tutend to my brother Draco. 

the smile vanished of his face an it returnd to the stone cold masck that he usaly wore. 

"and you can join us" he snarked 

then mother walked in with her platnum blond hair in a bun. 

"Be nice Lucious" She said 

later that day I got ready to use the flew for the first time in this new life then all the memroies of speaking to god came back he said somthing that realy made me intrested befor I went. 

"There will be suprises that have been added by destniny itself" death said before god could stop him. 

I wonder what it could be. 

as I walk in my mahognay door frame into my room wich had a sesk that was out lined with pure gold my room was the bigest in the masion becasuse farther seemed to faver me over my brother. 

about an hour later I walked down the stairs and to the large fire place wich was now rearing to life with red flame dad threw some flew poweder into the flame which then turend an emerld green. 

"you first Y/N" My farther said as he stepped out the way  the raging green flames I steped in the flames I knew it would not burn me but I was still woried that it would burn me but it just tikeld 

then my dad Handed me some balck powder and then steped back, 

"Diagon Ally " I said clearly and then the flame coverd my vision and rthen a second later the view of the dank inside of the Leaky coldron wich had a slight smell of beer and dust the nosie of people talking in diffrent tones of voices frmo whispering and laughing to drunken shouting. 

just then my brother came out of the flame and looked around and scowld at the sight y brother was snobish like my farther he tried to be like this so farther would like him but it did not work infat I dint know why I'm das favrite he dose not like anyone.

about another 10 minuets pased when mother and farther came with his signigniture cane  which had his wand stored in it with a snake as its handle on top the clankingsound of the cane hitting the ground that clank as soon as that sound rang out the whole pub went quite because our family was very well known. 

I wonder why Farther hates Draco so much he has done nothing wrong and he is like a coppy of Fartther the same eyes nose and blond hair and attiuted then it hit me how do I remebr these things I just got into this body a couple of months ago and nothing notible happend so I did not write them down. 

Hell they even have the same attiued of hating other wizards that arnt pure bloods or are blood traitors. 

"come on boys time to get your school thing for your first year at Hogwarts and Draco you better not make a fool of me" he said while looking at us then turning to Draco. 

"yes farther" Draco says with his stone cold mask remaning in palce 

after he said that we walked to the entrance of Diagon Ally which was a draby brick wall some of the brick were fallng appart with craks down the centur and little wlts were wand had been tapped to open it in the wrong order. 

my farther then pulled out his wand from his cane and taped the right seaquance and the wall opend up to reveal a colourfull ally filled with diffrent shops from shops that you can buy weird muggle things to shops that sell dangurus things but these shops were down a place calle Knockturn Ally I never were alowed down there but my farther and brother go down there sometimes but each time I ask him if I can go he always says no and dose not give me an explination. 

as we walk to the robe shop my Farther turns to me and my brother and says. 

"while you two gets your robes  Ill get your books with your mother ok"  he says 

we nod and head into the madem malkums robes for all acations we walk in the nice welcoming shop and Madam Malkum greeted us. 

" Hi Hogwarts robes please stand over in these two little fitting room" she said kindly 

so we go and wait and after about 1 minuite a young man came in he looked arounfd the age of 20- 30 he had quite a nice beard. 

" Hi my name is Jacob and I will be your suitor for your Hogwarts robes  this will take about 10 minuets" 

I just knod in response and he starts to mesure my arms and body lenth and then gose of to make them and while this is happening I take a look around and see a bespecticaled boy walk into the shop and then sits in a seat. 

"Hi" I said he looked up and smiled. 

"hi" the boy replide  thats all we said and theb tthe boy was called in to the fitting room. about another ten mnuets passed when I got my school robes and met up woth my brother out side the shop. 

and we saw my farther walking up too us with my mother no were in sight when He finelly reached us he smiled at me and scoweld down at my brother. 

"Now boys it is time to get your wands are you exited" he asks me and my brother. and me and my brother reply at the same time. 

"Yes farther" we say with exitment clearlyin our faces. 

we then quick walked to olivanders what was about a 4 minuet walk from where we met up with our farther. 

when we go there my brother gose first and takes aout 1 minuet and then came out proudley holding a wand box then I went in. 

"Welcome mr malfoy I sesne something diffrent about you thoughand I have the perfect wand ready" he then walked away and pulls out a box an long thin box and opens it and in the box is a beautfull wand that twisted all the way through and an untwisted handle. 

it felt like it had conected to me my magical core I mean not like you understand I hope. 

"Seaven gallions for that elder wood wand the core is  unkown and I doupt we ever will "

end of chapter 2 

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