Something Different part 2

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I ran to catch the train to the platform and Hermione and I sat in a carriage reading our books and occasionally wondering who Nicholas Philomel could be then searching our bags for books about famous people of the Wizarding worlds while I was reading I got this sudden I idea what if when we come back from Christmas me and Hermione go searching for him.

"No we could get into trouble for sneaking around the castle" she said while frowning.

So that idea was shot down I started to think about what my parents and brother were going to do this Christmas last time we had this massive ball with other pureblood families which was quite boring to be fair but it was something to do normally we would just do our own thing. And then have dinner.

I got back to reading about famous people in the wizarding world 1800-1912. and there was not a single mention of Nhicolas Filmel it was so boring reading about these people. I prefer books that teach me something like duling or something not about people because people are boring.

"do you want a game of exploding snap ?"I was holding out the brightly colourful pack of cards.

Hermione looked up at the pack of cards.

"I would love two but I don't know how to play," she said

" I can teach you if you would like?" I say

Hermione at hearing this looks up her eyes almost could shine and light up.

" would you rely teach me I know how to play the muggle veirson" she says.

so I start to teach her on how to play while she told me more about the muggle world and what her parents do. and how she found out she was a witch which was quite funny. then it was finelly near platform 9 and three quaters.

when we finelly stoped it was about 20 pm at night so it was quite dark.

I hoped of the tarin and saw my farther.

"Hi farther Happy christmass" I say while hugging hum then my brother come over and gets a hug to a more stiff hug though and less parently more business like hug.

"Farther what are we doing for christmas this year" I ask

My farther looks at Draco his plaitnum blond hair swishing in the slight breeze of the cold December.

"Draco and I have to go to a party with some people from knockturn Ally to conduct some business" you will be going to a long lost cousin who I hate to say is a muggle. but it would be the best place for you this christmas.

I could tell he was being truthful but why would I be safer with muggles than with someone with a bloody wand.

But what do I know and my farther is only looking out for me I guess so I will go along with it.

"Dad when am I going to these reletivs house?"I ask.

My Dad looks down at me and smiles.

"Tomorrow morning and you will be going by the muggle way so you will choose a car on the way back that we can get a driver for ok" My farther said he almost spat at the word car.

On the way back me and mother went to a nice car dealership that sold many nice cars from Lamborghini to Bugatti.

"Mom could we please get a hurricane I really like the look of this one" I say.

It was a nice blue colour with tinted windows.


I was in first period we were whatching a movie I put my hand up to ask a question.

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