Chapter 1

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My family sat in the living room which was covered in marble my brother was currently getting shouted at for getting bad grades and to say my dad was fuming would be an understatement you could see a vein popping out of his head. 


the word mood blood made me rage no one should use that word against my girlfriend but I have not told him that I am dating her yet and I don't plan on ever letting Hermione get close to my father after what he said about her parents in the second year. 

"Dad may I exude I am going out for a bit until you stop being such a stupid prick," I say to him as the room shakes slightly and the flames went higher until they went out  and I just start to walk out of the room.

"Son" my Dad whispered so if you have made up your mind to apologize to me 

"Dad I am going to the quidditch World Cup alone" I say pulling out a ticket that had a quaful and a snitch with the irish and bulgarians colour on it as I walked down the halls the tourches lit up and I got to the floo pouder but then remberd that I had a ligh blue lamboginie int shed waiting for me to driver her. 

I opend the shed door with a wave of my hand. 

"Tinky" Ii shouted then tinky aperad with a pop. 

"master called" she asked in a high squeaky voice. 

" pleas could ypu get my bag that is under my bed and the carkeys please thank you" I ask her looking deep into her golfball sized eyes and the she disapeard and apeard with everything

I get into the lambo which had white head rest and black seats and a sark blue wheal and I find the ignition. and the engin rored into life with a pop of the exughast poped as I reved the enegin and the plaed it into to first gear and roled out of the drive way and through the gothic gates that had steal dragons on top. 

dI decided to go to Hermiones house But I do not know were it is so I decide to do something I have not tried yet I stoped in a labye and closed my eyes and focused on Hermione I asked fate if this was a normal abillaty which she said it was not so I do not know. 

What I saw supriesed me she was at the burrow with Ron and the rest so I set off into the n darkness I finely reached the out skirts of ottery saint catimole I looked at the clock and relized that It was the middle of the night but the lights were still on. 

I parked on there driver were the flying car used to go the gravel hitting of my undercarage of the car.  which I had modified so that it could go anywere with  in reason like on gravel. 

Then I see movement from the out side so I rush to catchup to them. 

"Hi " I shouted as I hid behind a tree. 

To say they were scared mr weasly had his wand out I just came laughing out of the trees.  landing on the clay mud floor. To say Hermione looked shocked would be an understatment. 

"I thaught I saw your car which you should not be driving with out a license" Hermione starts scolding me before embracing me as tight as she could. 

"Why did you not write to me" she askes which shoks  me because I did write has farther also been reading my letters. and not sending them. 


"But my lord wouldent we want the boy on our side of this war" Bartie crouch JR saidlooking at his lord. 

"No I don't want him on anyones side, i can not tell you why beacause you should not need s reason, now are you going along with the plan or are you no use to me anymore, if you take the misson protect him"  Voldermortsays in his raspy voice that made a shiver run down anyone spine and almost made you cold like a dementor sucking all the happiness out of him. 

"Yes my lord I will do my best" He says with fear evidant in his voice 

AT the quiditch world cup 

"I think I have a tent near you guy's I say pointing to it on the map" I say walking with them through the wet field the muggles tent all of them liend up in a neat lines 2 people were walking around arguing about something. 

"Hermione can I speak to you for a second" I say gently 

"yeh what's up babe" Hermione says making us both blush  since this is the first time that she has ever used a pet name like that. 

"I just wanted to appologize for all the trouble that me Harry and Ron get into, I hope this year is different and we can have a trouble free year" I say brining her in for a kiss as we lock lips she wraps her arms around me and says 

"honey you dont have to apologize life happens and it seemed we are destined to always to be in trouble so all we can do is smile if we have together we have everything" Hermione said smiling 

I could not help but smile when Hermione smiled it felt warm each time she did. we contuned to catch up to the rest in a peacfull silence listerning to the  muffleld talking of familys in their tents. 

when we got to the tent mr weasly was cooking some sauseges or tryin to get the fire started there was matches on the floor all around 

"I'll help you mr weasly, I know how to use matches" Hermione said walking up to Mr weasly and showing him how to use them properly and most importantly safely after about tenth time explainig it he finely got it, 

"Dad why dont we use I dont't know magic it would be quiker" Said one of the twins with a confused look. 

I could  swear I saw an anoyed look on his face I looked to anyone els noticed it but they were to busy unpaking their bags. 

" Because  muggles are around and we don't want A whole mess of muggles seeing magic like a certin axcident back in rons second year do we boys " he says looking at Ron 

the sky started to turn an orange couler as the sun set and a massive croud started to form near the stadioum . 

As we got to the stadioum the sheer size of it took my breath away it was taller than 4 trolls staketd together it was awh inspiering. and the way the stadium seemed to hum with a liverly aura that felt welcoming I grabed onto Hermiones arm so that I dont lose her in the crowd of people. 

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