Into the forbidden shack

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I AN sorry for the long wait I have just posted the first chapter of my WW1 story which is mature for a reason because of what is mentioned in it I will go back and add my warnings as an A/N thanks for the waiting. and warning A massive time skip to the end of year three after I have finished this chapter I might not post for a while because I am going to try something different and write the whole Goblet of Fire then post it all at once. this means it will hopefully be of better quality because I will spend more time on it so you guys have something good to read. 


There was a party in the Gryffindor comen room and fire whisky was involved. the smells of the sweat of partying as the sun started to set some of us were too drunk to walk good thing it was a Friday. 

"Mr Malfoy" I heard a stern voice that shook me out of my slumber. 

"What time is it," I ask. looking directly into the worried eyes of Professor McGonigal. 

"It is 12:30, your friends were worried about you they said you just fell over and would not wake up" She said.

I look towards Harry Ron and Hermione. trying to rember what happend untill fred and gorge burst out laughing. 

after many cheaks by madom pomfry she told me it was a hangover and gave me a potion to make it go away. but I dont remeber drinking to much lastnight only trining the fire whisky which is now the second worse choice I have ever made since trying to atack serious black a month ago now. 

but other than that nothing realy intresting has happend that storm had finely past oh and ron think his rat was killed by crookshanks. which is not out of the picture but me and hermione know what has happend to him and were he is but the thing that still stump me is that note I got about how it had started and how I could not stop it but what did it mean voldermort is not back yet because he would have made a move by now. 

so that is confusing I looked out of the window when the clouded which has not hapend since first year. 

"Hellow my child we have less time than expected to train you up, my name is fate and your my heir now you have one job try and stop as many deaths as possible,your abbilites have not sjown themselvs yet because ypu were not ready from now on they are unlocked becarful what you do good luck" then the woman fades into some gold dust. which forms a padistle which had a wand indent in it something urged me to put my wand there. 

as I did the table glowed lighter than anyhing than I have ever seen and the sound of something scratching on the wood of the wand and the gloves flew out of no were and the same runes on them and they went on to my hand and sunk into my hand.and after that happend I felt my sesnses highten like 10 fold.

And when I awoke I was on the couch again this time I awoke to no one but with a blamket over me and a plush pillow underneath my head. 

"YN we are going to Hagrids you want to come with us" Harry asked 

I got up to join them and put stuff on and then we headed out into the setting sun. 

"HI hagrid How was the trail for bukbeak Did me and hermiones Help help at all" I ask sympathetically. 

Hagrid looked at me and the joyuse face had gone and was replaced buy a sad on the verg of tears one. 

"Oh Hagrid." Hermione said before hugging Him and then I followed the suit. 

After chating to Hagrid Ron found scabers alive in Hagrids cubbured. but when he would not apollogize to hermione. 

"Come on Ron you have been blaming Hermione for  it all along the littlest thing you could do is apologize if not don't talk or ask me for any help" I say finely getting what I have wanted to say since the first year because it has been anoying me the way he thinks after each argument it is us that should be apologizing, 

I did not relize it but my hands glew a bit gold which is why Ron had a sceard look. 

"Sorry Hermione and you lot" Ron looked positvly sceard even Hagrid looked a bit shoked but for hermione it felt safe and calming. 

"That was awesome" Ron said pointing to my hands I look at them but see the glow I take a deep breath and it disappears I have been learning how to control my abilities one of them is I can make like an sword made of pure light energy like a Patronus that can do damming a person but of course cant block the unforgivable because nothing can. except a sacrifice of ones life to protect another. 

as we are leaving out across the garden that is in-between Hagrid's hut and the castle which was now alight with candles creating a glow from the inside but as I was captivated by the site until I heard. 

"Oww scabers bit me" Ron shouted as he said that I saw the rat try to escape until Ron caught him agin saying. 

"It's just me scabers there is no cat hear to hurt you" Ron whispered to him. 

Suddenly out of the darkness we heard a growling and a black dog walk out from the darkness I stood Infront of Hermione who was quite near Ron when the Dog charged and grabbed Ron by the leg and dragged him near to the womping willow 

on the way down I herd a crack like something breaking we all rush over to the trre forgetting that it has swinging branches suddenly one hit me and swung me up into the air since I had grabed onto it so I was swung into the air. 

" Don't let go Yn" Hermione said worriedly. 


We looke were Ron wa drug into a hole underneath untill I heard a scream and saw Harry being pushed out of the way and yn got lifted by the branch I felt sceard for his life. and shouted quite stupidly. 

"Don't let go" As I said this another branch picked up Harry and flung them together as soon as yn was about to answer harrys leg hit him directly in the hed which caused him to let go falling to the ground and he landed very funnily. I rushed over to him he looke dead I bent over him and started to cry 

"I should of admitted this eairlyer but I love you yn" I say with tears pourning down my face then he awoke and said something even more suprising. 

"I love you to Hermione" in a painfull breath he whisperd. 

then I as grabed by Harry and was flung into the hole which was damp and dark and there was molded wood evry were you looked. 

"I'm sure yn is going to be ok" Harry says. 

"How can you be so sure he fell from quite a hight"  Hermione says

yn's pov 

I awoke to the sound of the suprised sounding ron saying. 

"One minuet you were there now your there" Ron say mouth agape. 

then I speak up. 

"no one can be in two places at once" as I say this a blur of brown bushy hair jumps at me and our lips smash together. 

we heard slow claps from behind us It was ron and harry pretending to cry I started to lagh at this. 

AN  that it is the end of book three and yn and hermione are together you might think I have not wrote abiut their time otgether that is because I want to wright thata s like a memory sequance after something happens peace 

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