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Before we start this chapter I just want to say thanks to all the people who read this and more are welcome to join my journey to write something good Ik this might seem slow but I did not know how to pace things. massive time to skip chapter 2 of Christmas because honestly, I don't like this book. tell me what you think.

It was Christmas day the only thing notable happening was that a serious black broke in once and that's all really but everything that has happened in our years is one of the least scary for me and Hermione. Hogwarts was covered in a heavy blanket of white fluffy snow.

I walk out into the frivolous cold to go to HogsMead with Hermione and Ron. To have a look at the shrieking shack covered in snow.

"Hermione can we go to the Three Broomsticks it's freezing" Ron complained when we got near the shrieking shack.

"No, we have to get stuff for Harry remember," Hermione said. Staring at the Shreikan shack. as we walk into the town me and Hermione notice that Harry Is following us but Ron is too oblivious eating his sweets.

Against me and Ron's whishes, Hermione wanted to go back to the shrieking shack to take a photo of it to post to her parents. for Christmas.

Hermione's POV

as I look at Ron and Y/N throwing snow at each other after Harry had run off to the castle I blush as Y/N turend around and has snow all over his clothes and it was the cutest thing I have ever seen but then Ron slowed down and left Y/N in the front happily kiking up snow as he walked.

Soon I had caught  up to Ron who was smiling weirdly.

"What" I ask

"How long have you liked Y/N" he asked which shoked me.

"About A year But he is a malfoy his parents won't allow him to be with me since I am muggle born" I say dejectedly.

"Hey his farther is overly kind to YN and it alwasy has struck me as weird but mayby he just favers him which don't get me wrong is still suspicipocis 

Mean while At Malfoy mannor. 

"is the plan going to plan lucious is he happy and out of the way yet" The raspy voice of baby voldermort said. 

this did not suprise Lucious since the boy was orderd to stay away from the war with out giving me a reason  I was juat folowing my lords orders if I did not I proberly would have been dead but I think Draco is catching on to something. 

Back at Hogwarts when we finely got back out of the cold I could baerly feal my hands from piking up a lot of snow. it looked like we just got back in time because after that a storm roled in brining toretial haile that pelted the snow blanket that was the ground with small thuds but it was the glass that was tsking the most punishment. The heavy taps of the hail and the crakle of the fire in the comon room made me sleepy which was not good since I had another couple of inches left. 

"have a rest Yn you look  shaterd" Hermioe said resting a hand on my shoulder and pull me back so that it met with the cushens of the couch

sudenly I fell asleep for what must have been hors because I awoke to feeling some weaght on my body I look down to see Hermione was cuddling me. but thunder roered out of the sky which made  me jump in shock but something caught the corner of my eye I saw that the painting had been opend  and in walked a man with shagy long hair holding a long gleaming knife he then turns his head towards me and we lock eyes. 

I go to reach for my wand but the man with suprising speed runs towards me and plants the knife wright in to my upper chest near the coller bone. 

The man then gently piks up hermione and moves her onto the  other couch and then noks me out. untill I herd a scream from the upper rooms of the house. I draged y self to my feet carefull not to move my left arm because a fuking knife had just stabed me at this point Hermone waked up just to see a blood trail up the stairs  and herd rons screem. 

Just then mcgonigal walked in oh boy she was angery like pissed. 

"what is going on in here" she shouts and then harry and ron come down carring me how was I looking in third person ah well levve the readers behind the screen confused. 

she notices the blood and me and screams and helps me over to the couch she went to the crazy portraite. 

"Did you let in a man who looked deranged into the comon room" She said deadly quite. 

"yes I did mam he had all the passwords  writen down" 

so every on was on high alert the rest of the night hoping that serious black is captured and given the dementors kiss. 

the next morining no news about serious black or how he excaped and that reached me and I was quite impressed to how he was doing it. 

Harry has being leanring the patronus charm I'm still trying to figure out how I killed that dementor. it was still stormy and as dark as the darck as the darkst night. 

even though it was about 8am and a note was on the crisp white sheets wait white sheets the  the memory of black stabing me came back that basterd. but then I remeberd the note which was on a crinkled paper. 

it has started there will be no stoping this the death that this will cause the castle alight bodies litter the floor like starw in a horse stable. 


A/N who do you think is writing these letters and can our  duo of Hermione and y/n stop this with the help of the others.

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