back to Hogwarts

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I was once again standing in front of the Hogwarts Express getting ready to go back and look for Nicolas Filmel and see what the philosopher stone is and why it is at Hogwarts and not in a more secure location like Idk Gringots but I don't know. 

I see Farther and Draco talking I walk over past the crowds of people getting ready to go back to school I see Hermione with her parents so I wait to go over to her and see how her holiday was in France and if she had found out any evidence of Nicolas filmel because no matter how many times I and OC went to the library I could not find anything to do with him no matter how hard I looked. I even tried asking OC's dad who used to be part of the wizarding world but he had no idea who he was. 

I got onto the train found an empty compartment and waited for Hermione it took about 10 more minutes before Hermione saw the compartment opened the door and sat down.

"How was your holiday to France"I ask while giving her a friendly hug 

she returend the hug and we hugged for about 10 seconds I went to let go but she pulled on me tighter in to a hug. 

"Thanks sorry you just are so warm and its cold out there" Hermione says 

True it is cold out there I think to myself but the cabin is warm so I dont know what that was about. 

"so did you find anythigg about nocolas filmell" Hermione asks. 

I look at her and shake my head and then get a book out and start to read my eyes started to droop behind the book that I was reading I shook my self awake and saw Hermione next to me also reading Hogwarts A History she was close enough that I could just lay my head on her shoulder and have 20 winks. 

so I put my book down and prepaird myself to ask the qusrion mentely siking myself up. 

"Hey do you mind if I lay my head on your shoulder and catch twenty winks of sleep if you dont mind ofcourse" I ask just loud enough to hear over the soft rumble of the train. 

Hermione looks up from her book and smiled before replying with a soft eye sparkle. 

"yeh that what friends are for" Hermione said 

I lay my head on Hermiones shoulder and I was about to fall asleep but then I had not aksed Hermione. 

" have you had more look about nicolouse filmel" I ask. 

"I tell you when you wake up ok" she says. 

Then I let my eyes close and let the dreams continue. I hear people chatting in loud voices 

"You are just a mudblood so get my brother of your shoulder I need to speak to him about something " My brother said and almost spat this out. 

"He is asleep and I dont think he is not feeling well so can you keep it down" Hermione whisper shouts back to draco. 

"Fine I will see him later when he awakes" Draco says. 

But one thing Hermione had said caught my attention how did she know I was not feeling well I had not said anything not even put it into my jernal. 

"Did I awake you" Hermione asked 

"No just this stomach ache and head ache, quick qustion how did you know I was ill" I say 

she looks at me and starts to pull me closer for a hug. 

" you looked paler than usualy and you were quite tired looking" She said 

" yeh I started to feel like this this morning"

so sorry I could not find anything els to wright about. 

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