Chapter 13

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After the library,  we went back to the Gryffindor common room to bed as I was trying to sleep I kept hearing Ron snoring which has always been a problem for me it is every night so I decided to try a silencing charm around my bed so I would not hear that anymore so I got my wand out and tried to remember the wand movement for the charm. I tried and thought for a bit then I put it up but it was weak since I don't like charms that alter the sound it just is really hard for me. 

After I put it up I managed to get some sleep which was cool in the morning there were no lessons so I slept in when I awoke all the others except Ron and Harry were there I saw two notes one was obviously from Ron because of the handwriting the second's note was neat and curly. 

Who could that note be from I don't know any of the boys in my dorm was awake so they could not leave the note I picked up the one from Ron and Harry. 

Note in Italics 

Me Harry  and Hermione are going down to Hagrid's Hut. I wonderd if we should wake you but You looked happy asleep so we left this note .

your  best friends Ron, Harry and Hermione . 

So that's were Harry and Ron were then I look at the other note with some suspicion. I held it in my hands and it felt like there was something in it. 

I forgot you might be needing these. 

Your gardion Angell. 

I open the note and saw that it was a gloves I pulled them out and saw they were white and had golden threads and a jewl in each glove that had an Amber glow to it I tried putting them on  but Another note fell out of them. 

These gloves will allow you to chanel the power over the life hallows you only hold one of these hallows you need all three before you can put these on. Hide them only tell who those you trust. 

YGA (Your Gurdion Angell)

The life Hallows there is no mention of them in any legend books only the Deathly Hallows. Just then I go down to the sitting room just in time for Harry Ron and Hermione to come rushing in. 

"So how was your trip to Hagrid's Hut Learn anything?" I ask. 

"Yes Hagrid has got a dragon and we are smuggling it out tonight" Harry says. 


"So let me get one thing strait you are Helping Hagrid smuggle a bloody Dragon and I was not invited"I say 

Hermione looked down for a seccond then said. 

"We dont want you to get into trouble because you were not there when we planed this and that would not be fair to get Ditention for being draged into a plan you did not comit to" She says . 

I think for a bit yes it is a bummer that I can't help smuggle the dragon out but I could still help by distracting the teacher on duaty tonight. 

"there is always a teacher on patrole so I could distract them by asking stupid qustions or noking somthing over like one of the armor sets" I say 

Harry's eyes light up at the Idea. 

"Thanks that would help" Harry say. 

Later that night. 

"right I will go ahead and distract the person on patrole you go and get the Dragon and tell Hagrid I said Hi"I say as I hug each one of them. 

Harry Ron and Hermione slink of into the darkness under the invisabilty cloak. 

I then walk right into the middle of the Hallway and started to walk. 

"wwwwhat aaaree yyyou dddoing oout mmmrr Malfoy" Sudenly I feal a suden sense of dread and fear. 

warning AN has swearing in it 

"Sorry for the short chapter I need to think about what is to happen and it is also 3:28 right now so my spelling is shite  and once againg gramerly has stoped working so yay"

have a great day night or everning or what ever 

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