At Hogwarts and some answers

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when we got to Hogwarts Harry and hermione was called into Mcgonigals office for some reason even though  I know why I wlak down to sit but just before I do Flitwick 

 comes over to me. 

" The head master would like to see you and Miss Granger  after dinner" He says and then gose go to sit on his coushins that help him see over the table whic of all my years hear I have never noticed. 

After dinner I go up to the common room to find Hermione.

"Hermione can I please talk to you in privet" I ask pulling her away from the girls dorm. 

"what" she says 

"Dumbledore wants to see us about something" I say when she hears what I said she imidiatly starts to push me out of the door saying. 

"we are we late" She says starting to panick. 

"Hermione A wizard is never late nor erly he arives exactly when he means to" I say quoting gandalf drom the lord of the rings. 

" You have read the hobbit" She says sounding suprised. 

" yeh and wached it" I said 

" It became a movie!" she says almost suprised.

" yeh in your univers did you live untill the year 2000" I ask while breathing heavy from walking up 3 flights of stairs 

"I can't remember" She says looking out a stained glass window as we past. 

we finelly got to one of the tallest towers in Hogwarts wear at the end of the coridor there was a golden magestic gryfindore litterly a grifin as a door. 

"what is the password" Hermione asks 

"How in all of the wizards that are alive am I suposed to know" I say. 

"well we 'can just nock" Hermione sugested. 

As she went to nock on the door but before her fist met the cold metal it jumped aside like it was expecting us and just wanted to play a joke by not letting us in. but as it did it reveald mores steps leaading up to a  old mahogany door. 

"enter"Dumbledores voice said so me and Hermione push open the door to reveal the magnificant office my eyes must have widend two fold because dumbledore just chukled. 

"Quite a site for the first time is not" Dumbledore said I looked at him I was about to speak but Dumbledore spoke again 

"But I belive it is not your first time Miss Granger" He said his eyes twinkling in the light.

Hermiones face goes very pale at the mention of her secraeat. 

"Don't you worry your secret is safe with me in fact that is what I wanted to talk about" Dumbledore says he then shifts his peircing gaze over to me. I did not know this because I was to busy looking at the beautfull bird that was  spreding its wings then left with a cascade of fire. 

It was only after it had left that I realized that he was looking at me. 

"Sorry sir I was distracted" I say huridely. 

"no matter, anway I need you both need to  listen to  this , When you came here from your original world and time zone something shifted I don't know but soemthing has changed" He says looking dead serious.

"Sir are we free to go now" Hermione says breaking the silence. 

"Yes but one more thing be carfull serious black is on the loose rember so be carfull and look after Harry" He says on our way out. 

the coridores are darker now and it was realy chilly as a soft breaze ran through the corridor as we walked the darker and darker it got eventualy the darkness engulfed us the erie sense of something following us was strong. 

I stoped and herd groweling behind me I pull out my wand. then I see two beady amber eyes in the dark. 

Then something charged at us and I shot the first spell I thought of. 

"Stupify" the crystle blue spell shot out my wand but the thing dodged it the spell hit the wall with a loud bang and left a little chip in the stone wall. 

The creature must have fled for that night because we made it back to the safety of our comon room Hermione looked shook up from the experiance that just happend. 

so we both just went to bed without saying a word to any one even after Harry and ron had called us over to ask what he wanted to see us about.

ANOTHER SHORTER CHAPTER BECAUSE I feel drained mentaly thats why the chaptera have become short Ik i should nit make exuses and give the people some reading material I promis that I am not discontinuing this book because like I said you are stuck with me untill the end peace. 

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