chapter 3

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after leaving the wand store I meet up with my brother who is with our father and they appear to be whispering to each other I don't manage to hear any of their secretive conversations. 

"Son how was it powerful first wand I hope, I and your brother here have some shopping to do down Knokturn Ally so here are some galleons to get yourself a nice owl or something or a cat you have always wanted a cat or both," my father said in a silky smooth voice  

as he pulled out a sack of gold coins and when he did something else came out it looked like a note of some sort farther waved his hand and the note zoomed back into his pocket before I could see anything written on the paper. 

"Can I come Father please?" I asked no plead with him to go because I wanted to go down there because if I remember in the books it is dark and creepy and I wanted to explore it 

He looks at me with an almost sad-looking face and shakes his head. 

"No son like I have told you that down there is nothing for you to worry about do you want some money for some new books?" he said while pulling another sack of gold out and handing it to me," he says. 

as they walk away I see my father sternly talking to my brother. after this, I go, to the bookshop and buy some advanced DADA  just to have them ready I know I'm not ready for that kind just yet but one book caught my attention it had the name the darkest omans of wizard kind with gold grim on it that glinted in the candlelight. It was almost calling out to me begging me to come and pick it up and buy it as soon as I walked over and wanted to buy the shop Clark looked at me. 

" You don't want that book it is a terrible read at your sort of age" the store atendent said while taking the book out of my hand that I did not notice that I had picked up. 

the sun was now setting slightly over the roofs of the shops creating a spectacular glow that magic could not replicate and the smell of the evaning air that as filled with the smells of street food like popcorn poped by the flame of a real Dragon. So I started to walk to the pet store to see if I want to get an owl or something I eventually get to the musky smelling store were many owls screeching and hooting I walked up the line of owls untill I got to one one that was pitich black and had amazing bright orange eyes. 

"Exuse me could I buy this owl please" I said into the darkness as I said this a kind old woman came walking out of the darkness. 

"good choice deeri that will be 23 gallions because of they are nearly extinct" she says while having a big smile on her face. 

I handed over the money and walked over to the exit with owl in hand. 

"now what am I going to name you" I say to the owl 

"Hoo" the owls just hoos 

"how about Hoot as your name I know it will get confusing" I say while walking ack to the leaky coldoron to go home the funny thing is that my farther and brother are still have not returend  I know this because of a fammily bracelet that tells were your family are for example home shopping and Knockturn Ally like a clock but instead of being on the wal it was on my wrist it had a golden band holding it to my wrist . 

so I went into the leaky coldron and went over to there fire place nd paid for some more floo powder because I must have droped min during my shopping. and shouted. 

"MALFOY MANOR MAIN FIRE PLACE" and then the sound of whooshing was heard and then I popped put in the same dark main hall that alwayesd looked darck because of the material that was used 

(like the weasly clock but for your wrist)

my mom walked out of the kitchen and saw me with my owl and books and hurried over to help and the calling. 

"Dobby helpwith Y/N bags please" my mom called out and the same house elf that woke me up poped out of nowere and picked up my bags and the dissaperrd again likely to my room. 

"honey has your farther and brother come with you or did they go down knokturn Ally" she said while sighing shedid not like going to the Ally she could not stop her husband bringing Draco there but we cant bring him there becaue he will be reconised. 

I rush up to my room after hearing that bit of the floo call with somone I'll be reconised why would I I'm just a malfoy nothing more nothing less. 

I'm sitting on my bed reading one of my DADA books because it is my faverate topic because it was intresting. but then it suddenly hit me I know everything that happen in the cannon so Harry will go for the Philosipher stone wich he will get. 

Should I help the golden trio or stay in the Dark sending them hints along the way they both have pros and cons

Pros. of helping  but in the dark 

no qustions about how I know all of the stuff that is about to happen. 

its cool. 


they coulld find out that it is me and ask qustions. 

as I made this list in my diary which Im writing my whole adventure in the Harry potter world. 

Pros of being friend with the golden trio. 

Friends that I can trust with my life. 

somone tto turn to for more knodleg (Hermione) 

somone to have a laugh with (Ron weasly) 

somone to have for friends for life. 


Qustions  about how I know all of this put I could just say Im just good at gussing 

then I was tired and decided to go to bed but I was awoken whenn I herd a knok on the door. 

TBC sorry for spelling I'm dislexix sorry for the shorter chapter. 

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