chapter two

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After Ireland won it was a close match with Victor Krum catching the golden snitch because if he had not they would not have been able to catch up on points as I was leaving the stadium I bumped into Father who looked at me like he wanted to talk so I walk over to him through the crowd of bustling people heading back to their tents either celebrating or discussing how they could have done better.

As I reached my father he opened his Arms in a hug gesture which I ignored coldly after the insults and laungue he had used to describe muggle-born students of Hogwarts. the sun Had now set fully so my father had his wand lit for some light other than the torches lining the route back to the campsite which lit the path with an orange-gold sometimes flickering like a real flame.

"What do you want, I hope it is to apologise," I say taking a deep breath so I do not shoot even seeing him right now made me want to shout at him.

"Son I wanted to apologise for my words against your girlfriend's kind" He says not sorry at all.

"How did you know I was dating her and no I will not break up with her"I say fearful of what my dad might do to her.

"I'm not asking you to stop dating her I would just like to know next time so I would know who my future daughter-in-law would be" He said smirking a wide smirk what was weird was it looked and felt genuine.

I blushed at the thaught of getting married to Hermione and started to wonder what that wuld look like but I was shaken out of my thought as I remeberd we had only been dating since the end of last year which is not long enough to get married at least not for me.

"I accept your Apologie Dad but one thing I would love for you to do is aloww me to go to Hermiones at christmas this year" I say houpfully looking for my farthers reaction.

my farther seemed to have an internal convosation with himself if you could see it one half of his face would be arguing to let me go this christmas and the other side trying to procwade himself not to let me go and he finely sighed.

"Fine but I do want you to write a letter on christmas day to let us know that you are ok" He says in his snobish voice as people passed.

I knew he just put on the snobish voice inn public or infront of his sketchy friends but it just seemed weird that he met up with these friends a lot more I don't know after Ii ran away but befpre they were round every other day and being very secretive about something.

"I am going back to my tent now farther good night" I say before walking off in the direction of the feilds now that the crowd had dispersed I found our tent and a very worried Hermione wating out side pacing with arms crossed.

When she spotted me I knew I was in big trouble.

"Hey babe sorry I am late-" I go and say why I was late but was cut of by hermiones worried voice.

"were Have you been we have all been woried sick don't just walk away from us again you understand me mister"She says hitting me on the chest.

"I saw my farther in the crowed and went to speak to him sorry for walking off it was a stupid idea I am sorry again" I say hugging her tightly.

"Don't do that"She said

"Do what" I asked confused

"Call your self stupid" She says.

I just stayed because that's how I really felt stupid and I can't seemed to find why this started when I ran away and it has been nagging me ever since then but for now my mind was at peace hugging hermione.

"Time for bed you two we have to go back early tomorrow"Mr weasly states

Me and Hermione walk into the tent and I walked hermione to her bed I was going to go to my tent next door but Hermione Grabed me and pulled me onto the bed near her.

"Stay" Was all Hermione said before falling asleep I must have too because what felt like a minuet I was awoken by mr weasly.

"YOU NEED TO WAKE UP AND GRAB HERMIONE GINNY STICK WITH YN" He shouts I rush my hands glowing gold again.

" we rush out th etent with ron and Harry as we are runnign a deathe eater is levitating The campsites manager into the sky with his wife.

"Harry stay with Hermione I will not stand to see this" I say before running away before anyone could say anything.

As I reachd the death eater who turned and pointed his wand at me and in a voice thta reminds me of a steriatiopical evil person.

"OHH what are you doing kid being a hero will get you nowere" They said.

"Oh and being some ones lapp dog will" I say in return.

"Oh the cheek on you serving him is the best thing to happen to me, Stupify" The death eater attaked me

"Protago" I say sheilding myself.

"Expeliarmus" I return fire trying to disarm them but they blocked it easly. as they wlaked towards me they started to fire some spells at me they did not say an incantation so I decided to dodge that was until one of them a sickly green spell had hit me I tried defelcting it with the sword of fate but it went through and hit me.

I felt myself flying back and then hit the rough bark of the tree but then the splinters of wood as I went through the tree and finely stoped as I hit a rock, The person disappeared with a swish of the cloak.

I awoke sometime latter with someone shouting my name it sounded quite far so I tried to send some sparks up in to the air.

"vermillius" I croked the weak sparks shot faintly up into the sky then I passed out again.

I felt arms around me they were warm and felt safe the I felt droplets of water on my face which awoke me to see Hermione crying over me she must not have seen that my eyes were open.

"I'm alive Hermione" I say she loks at me and berrys her head into my chest crying heavly untill I herd her soft little snores.

"How bad is it?" I ask Mr weasly who lookes down.

"The spell did servia dammage to the nervus syistem of your left arm so you wont be able to feel anything in that arm." He says.

" Well I gusse I am all wright" I say hitting my left arm wich I could still use just not feel

"I gusse you are but never do that again Hermione was woried sick and to be fair so was harry and ron" He says sternly.

AN so who do you think this mysterious death eater could be and how importan are they to his lord or is he just a skilled death eater becasues lets face it in other fanfics some of their charictars can take on lets say beletrix yes it is cool but it just would not happen yes she is coky but she is highly skiled sorry side rant over.

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