Ruy x Gethen

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Requested by @123456gfwfsd on Wattpad.

[A/N: I never expected to write about this ship... Let's see how this goes. 😂]

Ruy's POV

"Welcome to Neverseen Cafe! How can I..." I froze when I looked up at the customer. It wasn't every day that someone as good looking as him walked into the cafe. "How can I help you?"

The guy grinned, and I began to feel faint. "Can I please have an iced tea?"

"Okay–yeah–sure thing." I stammered. "May I have your name?"

"I'm Gethen."

"What a nice name." I typed mindlessly on the order screen, unable to look away. Hopefully I spelled his name right.

My eyes followed him as he stepped away from the counter. It took me a few seconds for me to begin taking orders again. I could only focus on one thing: I needed to talk to Gethen before he left the cafe.

Gethen's drink was ready in no time, and I took the responsibility of making sure it ended up in his hands safely.

"Order for Gethoon!" I called. I squinted at what was printed on the cup. "Gethoon?"

Gethen jogged up to the counter. "Do you mean Gethen?"

I blushed and forced a laugh. "Oh, probably."

Gethen took the cup. "Thanks."

I watched helplessly as he left.


My heart leapt into my throat when the door opened the next day and Gethen walked inside. I made myself a silent promise: Today would be the day I approach Gethen and talk to him.

Gethen approached the counter with a smile. "Nice to see you again, uh..." He looked down at my name tag. "Ruy."

"You, uh, you too." I managed.

"Same order as last time, please?" Gethen asked. Thankfully, I had already memorized his past order.

"Sure thing. Would you like fries with that?" I cringed.

"What?" Gethen looked confused.

"Never mind," I said, my cheeks flaming. "Uh, bye."

With one last confused look, Gethen retreated. I felt the sudden urge to slap myself in the face.

Again, when Gethen's drink came to the counter, I picked it up and called out his name. I promise, I pronounced it correctly this time.

"Thanks, Ruy." Gethen nodded to me as he took his drink and began to exit.

In an act of pure panic, I called out to him. "Gethoon–I mean, Gethen! Wait!"

Gethen stopped in his tracks and eyed his drink. "Is everything okay? Did I grab the wrong order?"

"No." I gasped, making my way to him. "I, uh, would like to talk to you about something."

"Sorry, I'm not looking for a job," he said, waving a hand to the "now hiring!" sign behind him.

"It's not about a job. I would, uh, like to get to know you. Here's my number." I pressed a business card into his palm and fled to the safety of the checkout counter.

With one last look, Gethen exited the building and my heart began to slow to its normal pace.


I was about to go to sleep for the night when my phone began to vibrate. I reached for it and accepted it without even looking at the number. All my nerves were on end. Could the caller be Gethen?

My arms shook as I lifted the phone to my ear. "Hello?"

"I'd like to inform you that your auto insurance has–" The robotic voice cut out when I hung up with more force than necessary. It wasn't Gethen. I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up. Gethen probably wasn't interested– he probably thought I was insane.


I woke up in the morning to light blazing through my window. I sensed immediately that something wasn't right. I woke up at 6:30–the sun was never that bright at that time.

Suddenly panicked, I checked my phone: 8:02am. My shift started in half an hour!

I got dressed and brushed my teeth as fast as I could, not even bothering to eat breakfast.

I arrived, panting and ten minutes late. Oops. I ran inside, ready to spout out dozens of excuses for my probably-angry employer, when I stopped in my tracks. Gethen was standing by the door, waiting with his iced tea.

"Hey," he said when he noticed me. "I wanted to call you, but I figured it would be better to talk to you in person."

My fake smile melted off my face. "Uh, talk about what?"

Was it just me, or did Gethen look... uncomfortable? "I wanted to get to know you. You seem, uh, nice."

My cheeks turned the color of an overripe tomato. "You too," I stammered.

"I just moved from the Netherlands. I really want to make some new friends."

My heart sank. Friends. That was all he wanted us to be.

"Friends," I said, clenching my teeth. "How... awesome."

Gethen grinned. "Great. Here's my number."

"Great. Want to meet sometimes? I mean, outside of my work."

"Sure," Gethen told me.

"Great! See you later, Gethoon!" I rushed off before I could even realize my mistake. Trust me, the embarrassment hit me later.


One Week Later

"Hey, Gethen," I greeted him. "Uh, how has your day been?"

"Good." Gethen nodded. "Listen, Ruy, I have something I need to tell you."

I looked up from my shoes, suddenly curious. "Go on."

"I really want to be your friend. But I feel bad continuing our friendship if I'm keeping things from you."

"You're not moving back to the Netherlands, are you?" I asked, squeezing shut my eyes.

Gethen laughed, and my stomach turned summersaults. "No. I, uh... I don't know how to say this. I... Like you."

I dropped the iced tea I was holding, splattering it all over. When I looked back up at Gethen, all his clothes were dripping wet. "Oh, oops."

"Is that a sign that you don't feel the same way?" Gethen asked, burying his face in his hands. "I should get going."

"No!" I called out. "Gethen, wait!"

Gethen turned back, a hopeful look on his face.

"I like you too! But not as a friend."

Gethen grinned, the biggest grin I had ever seen him grin. [A/N: No, that wasn't a typo. XD] "I'm glad we're on the same page."

The End

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