3. GPA

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[Later that night, 10:00 p.m.]

Sasha's dorm room was crowded with the usual group of girls. It was a GPA night, as she liked to call it. Gossip, pizza, and alcohol. They had these get togethers often.. very often.

"Mikasa, when the hell is the pizza getting here? I'm starving!" Sasha screamed at the top of her lungs while painting her toenails.

"Who the hell knows, Sasha. They might not even deliver it. The lady on the phone probably thought I was joking when I requested extra tator tots as a pizza topping." Mikasa exclaimed back, sighed, and rolled her eyes. "One whole damn pizza was literally just tator tots, sauce, and meatballs." She whispered under her breath as she elbowed [Y/N] in the side.

[Y/N] giggled, pushed a strand of hair back behind her ear, and continued to help Mikasa search through a bunch of nail polish colors.

"I still think you should go with this pale red color. It suits your skin tone. Plus, red is one of your favorite colors, and it will match that pretty scarf that Eren gave you. What do you think, pookie?" [Y/N] said in a cute teasing voice and pinched Mikasa's cheek. In response, Mikasa gave her a shove.. but not knowing her own strength, nearly sent [Y/N] flying halfway across the room.

"Oh shit, sorry boo." She grabbed to help [Y/N] up as a slight blush crept up her cheeks. She pulled the red scarf up over her mouth and nose in embarrassment.. but the smell of Eren's cologne always helped calm her nerves.

"Jesus christ, Mikasa, get it together! We all know you both like each other. What else does the guy have to do to prove it to you? Destroy anything or anyone on earth that threatens to hurt you?!" Sasha screamed over the loud music blasting as she knocked over a bottle of nail polish remover. "Fuck shit cheese fries! Not again!"

Suddenly, the door flung open violently, slamming into the door stopper.

"Sorry I'm fashionably late again! But I have arrived.. and with booze!" Hange yelled over the music and pulled an extra large bottle of Jack Daniel's out of her backpack, holding it over her head dramatically.

"Hange.. dark liquor? Really? It's a fucking Tuesday night. You know what dark liquor does to me!" Sasha yelled as she attempted to clean the nail polish remover from the floor. The whole room is filling more and more of the smell by the second.

"What? It was on sale. I'm not one to pass up a good bargain!" She said as she pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose.

"We all know what dark liquor does to Historia.." Ymir said as she nudged the small blonde, Historia, in the side playfully and winked.

"Hey! That was one time.." Historia cried as everyone else in the room started to giggle.

"At least do us all a favor and get a room this time. I don't mind lesbian porn but I'd rather watch it on my own time." [Y/N] rolled her eyes, smirked, and walked towards Hange, giving her a friendly hug.

"Where have you been all day? You weren't in Mr. Pyxis' class this afternoon, and I've been texting you." [Y/N] said to Hange, crossing her arms and tapping her foot.

"Oh.. busy is all. But I do indeed have some information you may find interesting [Y/N]!" Hange exclaimed excitingly as the corners of her lips began to curl upwards.

"Oh yeah? What now? It better not be something stupid like how you blew up your basement again, experimenting with chemicals.. or how you colored your cats fur purple with scented markers."

"Oh no, no. Nothing silly like that this time [Y/N]. There's this new guy and.." Hange was interrupted by every single other girl in the room.. besides [Y/N].

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