37. Old Friends?

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[Before I start this chapter off.. I'm going to say - How good is your memory, babes? I'm testing that brain of yours this chapter! 🤭]

[The Next Morning -
10:00 a.m.]

[Y/N] awoke abruptly from the burn of sun rays on her face peaking through the bedroom window. She instantly grimaced from the blinding light that greeted her.

She made an attempt to turn over but was hit with this radiating soreness throughout her whole body. The ache was specifically pronounced in her abdomen, thighs, lower back, and her groin area.

Oh.. last night.
What a long fucking night.

Pun intended.

She adjusted the comforter that surrounded her body a bit and lifted her head to look down. Oh.. still completely naked, too. Nice. A cool breeze snuck its way under the covers, and she felt her nipples harden. She couldn't help herself from letting out the slightest throaty giggle. Fuck you, Levi..

Slowly, [Y/N] rolled herself closer to the nightstand next to the side of the bed she was near. She was surprised to see her phone was conveniently placed there, and it was also plugged into the wall and charging. She smiled again. She knew she definitely did not leave her phone on that surface last night. There was clearly no time for that. A notification flashed across her lock screen background.


Four? She'd normally be lucky to wake up to one. For some reason, something so simple made her so damn anxious. Was it just her usual anxiousness? ..Or the fact she possibly felt paranoid about the events that took place last night? ..Maybe. She tapped on her messages, scrolled down, and sighed. Four messages, four different people. Hange, Levi, Zeke, and.. her mother.

The last two sent a shiver down her spine. Her mother did text her often, but with everything going on with her father lately, it just made her nervous. She never knew what to expect anymore. Feeling like she needed to be looking over her shoulder constantly now was a pain in the ass. Then there was Zeke.. she had no idea what to expect from him. She did leave him unexpectedly last night after being his literal shadow throughout the whole party. He probably thought things were going well. He probably even thought he would have ended up getting some by the end of the night. Boy, he couldn't have been more wrong.

She decided to save her mother's message for last and get Zeke out of the way first.

Hey Angelface. Ur friends told me u weren't feeling well last night...so u left. U said u didn't want to tell me and disrupt my night? Don't ever feel that way... I could've walked u back to campus or ur parents' house. Feel better... txt me tomorrow morning. I love you

Oh? Wasn't feeling well?
[Y/N] softly smirked.

Hange witnessed what was happening in that room upstairs during the party. Her friends must have all caught sight of her and Levi leaving. Hange definitely told them. There was no doubt that she had convinced the others to vouche that I didn't feel well and went home. That was her ride or die, after all. If anyone was going to protect her wearabouts from Zeke, it was her conniving, genius, maniac of a best friend. I fucking owe her one. Big time.

[Y/N] decided it was fitting to open Hange's message next.

Good morning, you nasty girl, you!! I'm guessing you had a fun night 😈
Would you like to meet up for lunch at noon?? Mikasa and Sasha are coming as well. I asked Historia and Ymir, but they said they are too hungover
Our usual spot, of course!
Xo Hange out ✌️

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