5. Uncertainty

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(So I know it's taking a little while to see more of [Y/N] and those Levi interactions I know everyone wants. But I feel like the characters' backstory and the build-up to it all are extremely important. So please bear with me. I don't want this to be a short simple story. I want there to be some depth with it. I really hope you understand. Thank you 🫶)

[6:30 a.m.]

It was now early Wednesday morning. [Y/N] spent most of the night awake while everyone else was passed out from either being pissed drunk or in a food coma. Even Connie didn't end up returning back to the restaurant and stayed the rest of the night with the girls.

Sasha fell asleep next to a pizza box, Connie's head was literally in the pizza box, Ymir and Historia were passed out on the kitchen counter, Hange still had her glasses on and the empty bottle of Jack Daniel's in her hand, and Mikasa was passed out on the sofa with Eren's scarf carefully folded under her head.

[Y/N] shook her head and smiled. She really loved her friends dearly, as strange as they all were. She then sighed and took a look back at her text messages. Still no response from Zeke. She had texted him a few times since last evening, but he never even read any of her messages.

She wasn't really worried. She knew Zeke was busy. Between work, school, sports, and his friends, sometimes he was hard to keep track of. But lately, it seemed to be getting worse. [Y/N] couldn't help but wonder if maybe she did something wrong, maybe she was somehow pushing him away. She had been more busy lately than usual, her school work taking up a lot more of her time.

She finally decided to sit her phone down and get herself ready for her daily early morning trip to the gym. Her first class today wasn't until noon, so she was in no rush. Lucky for her, she didn't drink as much as everyone else, so she didn't have a hangover. Although, she was pretty exhausted from the lack of sleep.

After getting changed into her gym clothes that she brought with her in her night bag, she tried to quietly creep around her friends who were scattered in the room. As she walked over to the door and grabbed her keys from the hook, a loud sudden snore from Hange made her jump violently. Her keys flew out of her hand and landed on Hange's face.

"Ouchie.. Sawney.. Beany.. stop.. stepping on mommy's face.." Hange mumbled in her sleep as she swatted at her face where the keys landed. "Shit.." [Y/N] let out a soft muffled giggle, trying to cover her mouth. Sawney and Bean were Hange's new kittens and she was absolutely obsessed. They were cute little things, but [Y/N] wasn't much of a cat person. To her, they acted like literal spawns of the devil sometimes. But if they made Hange happy, they made her happy too.

She walked over to Hange, slowly grabbed the keys, stepped over Sasha, Connie, and the pizza box, and continued quietly out the door.

[7:45 a.m]

After hours of restlessness, Levi finally fell asleep around 6 in the morning. He was in a deep slumber when a loud knock on his apartment door woke him. He stood out of his bed and wiped his eyes as he made his way to the door, half asleep. He glanced at the clock on the wall before opening the door.

"Who the hell.." He looked out of the peephole and sighed loudly. Unlocking the door and slowly opening it, he was extremely unhappy to see Kenny's disheveled looking self standing on the other side.

"What the hell do you want at this hour, you piece of shit? I actually finally fell asleep for a change."

"Is that how you greet your favorite person in this god forsaken shit show of a world?" Kenny said as he put on his best fake pouty face.

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