27. Rough Day

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[So this chapter is centered more around Hange and Levi. As we know, Hange was an important part of Levi's past life, so it would only make sense that she would be an important part of this life as well. Other than [Y/N] and Levi, Hange is also a main character in this story. So, her interactions with other characters are just as important to see. Hope you understand, and thank you guys again for reading. Love you all, muah ❣️]


[Tuesday, around 12:15 p.m.]

"Mhm.. yep! I will meet up with you guys back at Levi's place at some point today. No, no, you did good [Y/N] he is alive and well! Just keep an eye on him. Yes, yes! I love you too, darling! See you guys soon! Muah!" Hange hung up the call and sat her cell phone down on the large metal desk she was sitting on. A huge grin was plastered on her face.

"Hange, can you at least try to make it appear like you are doing some type of school work? If someone happens to look at the cameras, they will see you slacking off, sitting with your backside on my desk. Are you trying to send me to the unemployment line?" The tall man shook his head as he watched Hange scoot around, rubbing her ass on the desk purposely.

"Hange. Please." He said sternly. Hange stopped and stood off the desk. She walked over to a large whiteboard mounted on the wall. She began to draw aimlessly.

"So what was that phone call all about?" The man questioned as he walked over and grabbed the dry erase marker out of Hange's hand. He then erased the large penis she drew on the board.

"[Y/N] called me to tell me Levi has apparently gone crazy. He told her all about the visions he had during one of his episodes earlier. She said it seemed to be triggered by a cup of tea falling on the ground. When he came to, he told her that he knew who he was and where he was from. He told her he was from a filthy underground city far away and yada yada.." Hange smirked. "Now [Y/N] is insisting he gets his brain scanned."

The man chuckled.
"Sounds like Levi is on the right track. Wouldn't you agree?"

Hange nodded. "These episodes are really taking a toll on him, though. It was so much easier for us. I'm guessing the difficulty he is having to retrieve his memories is due to a combination of his bloodline and the degree of trauma associated with those memories.." She pushed her glasses up her nose. "..but I'm not completely certain yet. If I remember correctly, Mikasa has been having some strange visions as well recently, which are causing her excruciating headaches. She couldn't even leave bed the other day."

"Interesting.." The man said as he rubbed his facial stubble. "So we have come to this conclusion.." He stopped and walked over to the whiteboard and began writing. "The process of obtaining memories are triggered by certain events our subconscious finds familiar from our last lives.. correct?"

"Correct! It seems so." Hange exclaimed. "..but for Levi or any Ackerman, it seems trying to rush this process by purposely creating scenarios to trigger those memories too quickly can be.. risky."

"I see.. so it must happen naturally. That is the safest way." The man continued writing on the board and then looked down at the watch on his wrist and sighed.

"I don't want to wait anymore! We don't know what the hell Eren has planned! Zeke has been up to no good! This whole damn Jaeger family is a shit show even in this life!" Hange yelled and ran over to the tall man and dramatically shook his shoulders. "I just want my Levi back, Erwin! I just want him to remember!"

"Hange, he will. It will take time." Erwin smiled and set Hange's arms back down at her sides. "Levi has really impressed me. He has missed a lot of class from all of this going on, but his grades haven't faltered a bit. He received a 98 on that 5,000-word essay the class had been assigned to write on the effects of.."

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