40. A Good Guy?

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It's been 2 hours now. Time had been moving painfully slow since Levi had arrived at the hospital demanding Dr. Jaeger's care. When he had first arrived, the woman at the front desk took one look at Levi and the patient dangling in his arms.. the fear in her expression was evident. She had informed him, Dr. Jaeger wasn't scheduled on this particular day. The patient would need to be seen by a different doctor. Something in the pit of his soul gave Levi the feeling that the woman was lying.

Instead, Levi took matters into his own hands. He remembered the door [Y/N] had shown him that one day they had to escape quickly from that suspicious area of the hospital where Kenny was placed. He knew he'd find Dr. Jaeger there.. in that dark, abandoned, secret area of the hospital. He had to be there. Mikasa's life depended on it.

Luckily for him, his memory (of this life) was clear and crisp. It even seemed better than usual these days. Leaving the receptionist with a deathly glare, he left through the front entrance of the hospital and made his way around back until he found a large green door. He recognized it immediately. It was locked, but he used his strength to kick it clean from the hinges. This was the area of the hospital that had been closed off, apparently for many years. Why? Levi had an idea. Thanks to the meeting and conversation he had with Zeke the other day, it was all starting to make a little sense. But of course, there was still so much that he didn't understand.

Levi was knocked from his thoughts as he heard footsteps approaching the room he had been guarding for the past 2 hours. He instinctively stood from the seat next to Mikasa's bedside, almost as if he was expecting some type of danger. Instead, he was greeted by the doctor.. who he hadn't seen since he first initially arrived.

Levi and the doctor exchanged glances and nodded at one another, almost to show mutual respect. A nurse Levi had recognized from the times he had come to see Kenny, then entered the room as well. They both walked over to Mikasa's bedside, viewed her vitals, changed an IV bag, and wrote some stuff down on their charts. The nurse then left the room, leaving Levi and Dr. Jaeger alone.

"It's a miracle you got her here when you did. She seems to be healing internally rather quickly. Tough as nails you Ackerman's are.. even now.. but that's no surprise." The doctor gently sat his hand atop of Mikasa's, which was resting flat at the side of her body. "How did you know I'd be here? That you could even trust me after everything that has happened?"

"Zeke." Levi flatly responded.

"I see. How much did he tell you exactly?" The doctor began to walk toward a window, opening the dusty white blinds slightly. A small amount of sunlight filled the room.

"Enough for me to know that you aren't the bad guy here, Dr. Jaeger."

"Please. Call me Grisha."

"Alright.. Grisha." Levi nodded and repeated after him.

"I can tell you are still unsure of certain things. Those episodes.. your memories.. how is that all coming along? I'm sure Zeke explained some of that to you.. if you hadn't already found out from.. others.."

"I was first made aware of what my episodes really were, by a friend. But yeah.. Zeke explained things a little more for me. He also told me the truth behind this little hideout of yours. That is why I knew I had to get Mikasa to you." Levi's eyes bounced around the room, skimmed over Mikasa, and then landed back on the man in the white coat. "You are here to treat us.. those of us who are different."

"If the regular doctors found out who you both really are.. who we really are.." Grisha shook his head. "You did the right thing. Mikasa will heal up perfectly fine, thanks to that DNA you Ackerman's possess. Something weakened her, even before that blow she took to the body. My guess? It was a memory her body was fighting to recover." He sighed, looked down at his feet, and then at the chart in his hand. "Modern medicine can't treat your extinct bloodline. I've been researching, experimenting for years.. here. Illegally. Behind their backs."

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