4. The Underground

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[11:00 p.m.]

Levi left his apartment and took the short walk into town. His destination? The nearest bar. He knew it was a Tuesday night, but he promised himself he wouldn't drink too much. Plus, he was in college, and his first class tomorrow wasn't until noon. Who cares what day it is either way. Any day can be the weekend if you want it to be.. right?

After a few minutes, he makes it to the entrance of the small bar. He looks up at the sign over the door, squeaking and rocking in the wind.

"The Underground"
(How original, I know 😭)

Levi opened the door, and the smell of alcohol and smoke almost seemed to punch him in the face. He descended down the concrete steps until he reached security, who was there to check IDs. He never noticed security here before on weekdays, so it must be a new precaution. He gave the man his ID and made his way to the bar, and took a seat. Luckily, most of the crowd seemed to be either on the small dance floor or over by the pool tables.

"Yo, Levi.. rough first day, eh?"

Levi looked up at the tall older man behind the bar and watched as he slammed a shot glass of whiskey down on the table.

"Kenny.." He nodded at the man in acknowledgment. "I wouldn't call it a rough day, just a new bullshit experience." He grabbed the shot glass and threw his head back, sucking his teeth slightly from the burn.

"You really need to fix that sign above the entrance door before somebody gets knocked out and you end up with a lawsuit."

"That isn't any of your business runt. Don't worry about it. It will be fixed." Kenny said as he slammed another shot down on the bar and slid it over to him.

Levi didn't really get along with his uncle Kenny, but he did appreciate the man. He took him in when he was young after his mother passed away. He did his best to raise him and teach him to be a man. He let him work in the bar growing up. Shit, the man is even helping him pay for college. Levi told Kenny that after high school, he would just work in the bar full-time.. but Kenny wanted more for him.

"This place looks like shit on my days off, you know that? The bar is filthy. The floor has spilled drinks and glass all over. I don't even want to know what the bathroom looks like and.."

"Levi, chill out. I've been doing this since before you were born. Look around.. all of these bastards are coming here for one reason. To get hammered. This isn't a 5 star restaurant. You aren't even working tonight, and you are being a thorn in my ass. Enjoy your free drinks and relax." Kenny said as he took a large sip from a glass bottle of Heineken.

"Tch." Levi took the 2nd shot with ease, set the shot glass down, and spun around on his stool. His stormy blue, narrow eyes wandered around the room. As he leaned back, he rested his arms over the silver plated edge of the bar.

A small amount of time passes when Levi spots a familiar face at the back of the room. He grimaced at the site.


Yep, the idiot from his first class earlier that day. He's never seen him here before, at least not that he can recall. Figures, out of all times, out of all days, he has to be here now. Levi spun back around in his seat, hoping Zeke didn't catch a glimpse of him. He probably didn't, considering he seemed busy chatting away with his male groupies. He didn't need any extra confrontation today. He came here to relax but as always.. some shit always has to pop up.

"Oi, Kenny.."

"What's the problem, runt?"

"That cocky blonde bearded sack of shit in the back.. he come here often?"

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