11. Voices

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After Levi left the restaurant with his new friends or "squad," as Hange liked to call it, he walked back to his apartment in the rain. He didn't have any more classes for the day, so he decided he would take a quick shower and attempt to take a nap before his shift at the bar that evening.

Levi had one of his nagging migraines starting up again, so he popped a couple of pain pills and layed down on the leather sofa in his living area. His phone vibrated on the coffee table next to him, and a slight 'tch' escaped his lips as he rolled over and reached for it. It was Hange. Of course, it was Hange.. he thought.

Hey Leviiii!
The homecoming game is on Sunday!
Was wondering if you'd like to meet up around noonish?? Think it will just be the usual squad, maybe a couple of other stragglers. Let me know 🤓
Hange out ✌️

The Homecoming game didn't sound too appealing to him, to be honest, but he didn't want to let Hange down. Thinking of that stupid grin of hers turning into a frown because of his response didn't sit right with him.

Yeah.. I'm down.

Levi sat his phone back down on the coffee table and rested his head back down. He grabbed a couch pillow and sat it on his chest, and wrapped his arms around it. His headache was actually starting to feel worse. He didn't think much of it and just figured the pain pills would start working soon.

Surprisingly, he fell asleep quite quickly, which definitely wasn't normal for him. He slept way longer than he wanted to also, and when he woke up, his headache was worse.. much worse. Levi almost ended up late for his shift at the bar. He got ready as fast as he could and made his way into town. Something was wrong. He knew it, but he ignored it. This pain in his head was way worse than his usual headaches.

[Later that night, 8:15 p.m.]

"Levi! Hey Levi!" Isabel waved her hands back and forth in front of Levi's face, trying to get him to respond. Levi left the bar and said he was running to the bathroom to splash some water on his face, but 15 minutes had passed, and he didn't return. Izzy knew something was wrong and went looking for him. There she found him.. on the bathroom floor, sitting straight up against the wall, staring forward and unresponsive.

"Farlan! Grab Kenny, hurry! I think Levi is having another one of his episodes!" The red-haired, green eyed girl yelled as she gently placed Levi flat on his back.

"Shit, what the hell is wrong with the runt now?" Kenny said as he rushed into the bathroom.

"Kenny, it's worse! These episodes of his are getting worse. I can't even wake him up this time. He was complaining of one of his bad headaches when he came in for his shift. I should have known something was wrong! His pulse is so faint.." Izzy said as she stood up from the floor, visibly shaken, and her eyes were beginning to gloss over.

"Don't worry, I gotcha boy.." Kenny said as he bent over and picked Levi up in his arms. "Farlan, help me get him in the back of my truck. I'm not risking it this time.. he's going to the emergency room. I don't give a shit if he ends up hating me more for it."

Kenny rushed to the closest hospital, which was about 8 minutes away. Farlan sat in the back seat with Levi's head on his lap. At one point, Levi began to dry heave, but he never once came to. His eyes were still wide open, almost in a trance, and appeared white or zombie-like. Farlan was freaked the fuck out to say the least. He looks straight out of The Walking Dead.. he thought as he pushed Levi's hair back off his forehead. His hair was soaked, and his head was dripping sweat, although he felt cold to the touch.

"Levi.. hang in there, boss." Farlan whispered as his hands started to shake. He had never seen Levi in this bad shape. For the first time in a long time, he was scared out of his mind.

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