34. You Win A Prize

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[The Party, 11:30 p.m.]

"AH FUCKING CHEESE TOTS!" Sasha yelled loudly over the music as she slammed her phone down on the table in front of her.

"Sasha, what are you doing?" Mikasa asked as she stood up from her seat and walked over to Eren, who was making them both a drink.

"Playing this game on my phone. It's called Restaurant Dash. I have to make the food properly in time and serve it to the customer. I keep running out of time!" Sasha said angrily and picked her phone back up. She continued to play the game.

"That's what she chooses to do at a party.. of all things?" Eren said as he continued to make Mikasa's drink.

Mikasa looked up at him and smiled. "It's Sasha. Does that really surprise you. She ate all the food left here. Now, she has to make fake food to keep herself busy." She giggled and stood on her tippy toes and gave Eren a kiss on the cheek. Eren blushed slightly in response. Mikasa then looked around the crowded room. "Eren, have you seen any of the others? Hange and Connie have been missing. I saw [Y/N] walk past me earlier, but I haven't seen her since."

"Now that I think of it, I haven't seen Cap.. uh.. Levi.. either.." He cringed at his own slip up. "..since Zeke showed up with [Y/N] before. He seemed pretty pissed when he walked off by himself afterward."

"I don't give a fuck about Levi. I'm talking about the others." Mikasa added in a defensive tone.

"Relax, babe.. he's our friend. He's not a bad guy.. uhh.. you should get to know.. him?" Eren said and gulped. He knew he shouldn't have said it.. but out it came anyway.

"Eren, he's a dick! He's rude as hell. He's always fucking with you! How can you defend him? I swear if that little shit puts his hands on you one more time, I'm going to.."

"Something about him scares me! He's so small, but bossy and violent! A mean little man, that's what he is!" Sasha randomly interjected. Eren and Mikasa both turned towards her and then turned back to each other.

"Babe, it's alright. Uhh.. you just don't.. know him like I do.. yet?" He said awkwardly.

"Eren.. are you okay?" Mikasa reached up and put her palm on Eren's forehead, as if checking his temperature.

"I'm fine. Here." Eren handed her the drink he made. "Let's go.."

"Hey guys!" Suddenly, Hange appeared out of nowhere. Smiling from ear to ear. The lenses of her glasses seemed to be glowing.

"Where have you been?" Mikasa questioned.

"Funny, you should ask.." Hange paused. "..3.. 2.. 1.." She counted and pointed behind her without turning her head. Pushing through the crowd, heading in their direction, was Levi and [Y/N]. Hange's grin grew wider, and she cackled.

Eren looked down and noticed that [Y/N] seemed to be leading Levi. Her hand was wrapped around his. His eyes widened as he noticed that they were headed for the front door.

"They are in a rush. What the hell is that about?" Mikasa said as she took a sip of her drink.

"I caught those two shoving their tongues down eachothers throats and getting touchy touchy in one of the rooms upstairs." Hange said as she moved her eyebrows up and down.

Mikasa suddenly spewed her drink out all over Eren's shirt after hearing Hange's confession. She coughed loudly, trying to clear her throat.

"You.. you're joking.." Mikasa said as she looked up at Eren's shocked face and then down at his liquor stained shirt. "Eren.. oh my god, I'm sorry. Here.." She grabbed a wad of napkins and started to dab at the dampness.

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