1. || Alone

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Amazi Pablo East

"He gone?" Alejandro asked in a whisper, peeking around the corner with his gun in hand, staying alert of his surroundings.

"Yeah. Come on." Amazi muttered, crouching down as he walked to the back door of the house that they had been scoping out for a week and a half.

Amazi and Alejandro watched their surroundings with their guns in their hands as they waited for Devon to unlock the door with the lock-pick that he had, nodding their heads in unison when the door opened.

"We in." Devon whispered, holding his gun up as he slowly walked in the house, scouting around to make sure no one was in the home.

"We clear." He reassured, farther stepping in the house with Amazi and Alejandro following behind him.

"Alex, you be on lookout. Lik, you look downstairs, and I'll look upstairs." Amazi instructed, aiming his gun as he crouched down, walking through the house.

While Alejandro looked out for the owner of the fancy house and Devon grabbed money from a downstairs safe, Amazi went in the master bedroom, looking around for jewelry and money.

"Hell yeah." He chuckled, smirking when he spotted a safe behind a picture that was hanging up on the wall.

Because the group had been collecting information about their enemy whose house they were robbing, Amazi quickly figured out the password to the safe.

He opened the black duffel bag, swiftly transferring the money from the safe to the bag as he watched his surroundings despite Alejandro being the lookout from him and Devon.

Once the house was swept clean from valuables and money, the group discreetly exited, and Devon locked the door before they ran to a van, getting inside.

"Bitch ass nigga gone lose his mind." Devon chuckled, unzipping the duffel bag, revealing stacks of money and piles of jewelry.

"Deadass. We emptied that joint out." Amazi laughed, unzipping the duffel bag that he carried to reveal more money and jewelry.

After an hour drive, the group had made it to their planned separation location, preparing to part ways once they changed from their black long sleeved shirts, black pants, black boots, and black ski masks to outfits of their choice.

"I'll see y'all niggas tomorrow." Alejandro said, walking to his car after he dapped Amazi and Devon up, saying goodbye.

"You be safe outchea, nigga." Devon chuckled, dapping up Amazi before he turned to walk to his Black Ford truck.

"You too, Lik." Amazi replied, checking his surroundings as he released a heavy sigh, exhausted from the previous crime that he had committed.

Amazi walked to his truck, getting inside of it, and he lowly groaned in frustration, heavily sighing when he turned on his phone. He read over the countless missed phone calls, FaceTime calls, and text messages from his girlfriend, Millian.

"Fuck." He agitatedly cursed, replying to one of her many text messages after he started the truck, driving to her house.

Finally arriving at his girlfriend's house, Amazi shook his head as he tossed the duffle bag over his shoulder before using the key to open the door. To his expectations, Millian was standing near the door, and she followed behind him.

"Who she is? I've been callin' and textin' you all damn night, Mazi." Millian scolded, pushing at his back as he walked upstairs.

Smacking his lips, "It ain't nobody else, Millie. You buggin' out." Amazi responded, hoping that she would believe the truth.

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