9. || Photographic Connections

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"A camera is a save button for the mind's eye."
-Roger Kingston

Zuri Aniyah Banks
Three Days Later

Zuri hugged her friends and told her peers goodbye before she walked out of the classroom, immediately going to the parking garage. She unlocked the doors to her Hellcat, getting inside of it and she pulled off.

When she made it to a red light, she went to Raquel's contact, tapping on the FaceTime icon, and Raquel answered on the fourth ring.

"Hey, Raq." Zuri smiled, lightly pressing her foot down on the gas pedal when the light turned green.

"Hey, NiyNiy." Raquel replied, gasping when she noticed that Zuri was driving.

"Who car you in?" She asked, scratching her head as she propped her phone against a cup on the kitchen counter.

"Mine. My man bought it." Zuri blushed, sticking her tongue out as she glanced at the camera before focusing on the road again.

"Yo man? Don Pablo, huh?" Raquel rhetorically asked, looking at a picture that was on the wall of her and her deceased older sister Keisha.

"Mmhm. Big daddy." Zuri chuckled, turning on her signal light before she made a right turn.

"So do he talk to you about his street life?" Raquel asked, fighting the urge to become angry at the horrible coincidence that life had caused.

"No. I don't ask because I don't wanna know right now. Besides, it's like he's not even Don Pablo when he's with me, he act like Amazi East. My Bubba." Zuri smiled, making a left turn.

"Hmm. Well, I'd suggest that you start askin'. Please. Get to know that man that you are givin' your heart to and possibly your virginity." Raquel advised, picking up the phone.

Zuri furrowed her eyebrows, briefly looking at Raquel on the screen. "Okay. I'll talk to you later, Raq." She said, wanting to get rid of the awkward energy that Raquel caused.

"Okay." Raquel said, handing up the phone with no hesitation at all.

"What the hell is wrong wit' ha today?" Zuri muttered to herself, going to Loren's contact to FaceTime her next.

Answering on the second ring, "Hey, Z." Loren smiled, pulling the covers over her naked body.

"Oh my bad. Did I interrupt?" Zuri gasped, pulling into the driveway of Amazi's house.

"No." Alejandro chimed in, chuckling as he kissed Loren's cheek before getting out of the frame of the camera.

When the bedroom door closed, Loren looked at the camera, smiling. "He definitely is a Reaper cause papi be killin' my shit." She bluntly said, laughing when Zuri put her hand over her mouth.

"Oh my applesauce. Please, keep that information to yourself and Alex." Zuri laughed, getting out of the car.

"Whea' you at?" Loren asked, smiling when Zuri shushed her. She loved seeing her friend experiencing princess treatment.

"My boo house. I just called to check in. Bye." Zuri chuckled, hanging up the phone before Loren could say anything else.

Zuri knocked on the front door, smiling when Amazi eagerly opened the door for her, and he picked her up, bringing her inside.

"Hey." She giggled, wrapping her arms around his neck and legs around his waist while he used his foot to close the door behind them.

"I missed you, Z." Amazi chuckled, repeatedly kissing the exposed skin of her chest. He loved the way that she smelled; it made him want to kiss every part of her body.

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