11. || Soul Ties + Twisted Divulges

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Zuri Aniyah Banks
Two Days Later

Zuri looked out the window of the Uber as she rubbed Amazi's ears while he laid asleep on her lap. The trip to Colorado and the life changing things that happened clouded her mind, and she smiled to herself when she felt happiness.

Amazi and Zuri had arrived in Harlem, deciding to make their trip short when Erin called her to let her know that she would return home earlier than expected.

"Wake up, Mazi. We're here." She muttered as she placed multiple soft kisses on his face to wake him up, and he grabbed her face to kiss her lips before he sat up.

He helped her bring her belongings in the house to her bedroom, and she sat her purse on the bed before she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"I'm sorry our trip had to be cut short." She apologized, hoping that he wasn't too upset about their time together being intervened.

"It's cool. I can always take you on another trip in the future, boo." He said, kissing both sides of her face before he kissed her lips.

"Thank you. I had fun." She smiled, resting a hand on his chest. The term fun was an understatement; she enjoyed herself to the fullest in Colorado.

"I love you." She added, slightly standing on her tippy toes to kiss his soft lips that craved the attention from hers.

"I love you, too." He replied with a smile on his face, kissing her forehead before he walked out of the bedroom, leaving the house.

Zuri began to unpack her suitcase and bags, organizing her bedroom to its normal set up before she walked in the bathroom to freshen up.

After she finished showering and brushing her teeth, she put her hair in a ponytail and put on a comfortable two piece outfit. She slid her feet in her yellow crocs and grabbed her keys, leaving the house.

Approximately Twenty Minutes Later

Zuri and Loren sat on the couch, eating chocolate covered strawberries and popcorn while watching Insecure.

"Maybe it's dry as hell. Maybe it really smells. Broken pussy." Loren sung, dancing in place as she put three chocolate covered popcorns in her mouth.

"Maybe it's really rough. Maybe it's had enough. Broken pussy." Zuri joined as she ate a chocolate covered strawberry, licking her sticky fingers afterwards before wiping them with a paper towel.

Loren's phone began to ring, and she answered it when Zuri paused the television show. After she finished the phone conversation with Alejandro, she looked over at Zuri.

"How would you feel about goin' on a double date tonight?" Loren asked as she smiled, resting her elbow on the back of the couch with her head in her hand.

"Last minute plans? You know how I feel about stuff like that, Lola." Zuri chuckled, shaking her head as she ate another chocolate covered strawberry.

"Come on, NiyNiy. Please." Loren begged, pouting as she stared at Zuri with her doe brown eyes.

Zuri looked around the living room, throwing her head back as she lowly groaned in defeated frustration. "Fine. What time?" She replied, heavily sighing.

"In about five hours." Loren enthusiastically answered, happily clapping her hands with a wide smile on her face.

"Well, I have time to spend with you alone before I have to leave. I guess I'll get ready at Mazi's house." Zuri said, briefly blushing when memories from Colorado leaked in her mind.

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