8. || Perfect

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"You deserve it 'cause you perfect. You make every moment worth it." - Dave East

Zuri Aniyah Banks
Two Days Later

Zuri woke up when her alarm went off, getting out of bed to pick an outfit for the evening. She ultimately chose to wear a crop top with joggers and a pair of crocs.

After finishing her morning hygiene, Zuri put on a comfortable outfit before she grabbed her belongings and walked out of the house.

"Lola! Bestie!" She excitedly squealed as she got in Loren's car, hugging her.

"I missed you, NiyNiy." Loren smiled, pulling away from the hug, and she accelerated the car.

"I missed you, too. Do you have to pick up Raq or is she drivin' ha own car?" Zuri asked, putting on her seatbelt when the car began to make annoying beeping noises.

Loren nervously glanced over at Zuri, giving her a yikes facial expression. "So she's drivin' ha car, but Elle is comin' too." She informed, causing Zuri to frown.

"And I'm just now findin' out? Did you and Raq just ambush me?" Zuri scoffed, furrowing her eyebrows. She had plans to have a conversation with Ellmir eventually, but she didn't feel comfortable at the moment.

"Zuri Aniyah Banks, you are too old to be holdin' grudges especially when you are the preacher of not holdin' grudges because life is too short to be into it with anyone." Loren reasoned, shaking her head at Zuri's current hypothetical mindset.

"Fuck you fa bein' right." Zuri defeatedly sighed, looking out of the window. She knew that Loren was right and she knew that if it wasn't for Loren and Raquel ambushing her, it would've took longer to have a conversation with Ellmir.

Her phone vibrated, causing her to look at the screen, and she smiled when Amazi's contact name appeared on it.


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The girls arrived to the restaurant, getting out of the car to go to their reserved table

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The girls arrived to the restaurant, getting out of the car to go to their reserved table. The friend group had planned an evening to have brunch, wanting to catch each other up on their lives since it had been a minute of spending time together.

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