13. || Red Flags + Miami

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Zuri Aniyah Banks
Two Days Later

Zuri walked into the bedroom, packing her hygiene products after she had completed her morning hygiene. Once she had finished getting dressed in her airport outfit, she brought her suitcase into the living room.

"Take this shirt off right now, East." She sighed, pulling at the bottom of his shirt to help him pull it over his head.

"Why?" He questioned with furrowed eyebrows, looking down at her as she quickly walked into the laundry room.

"Are you serious? This shirt is wrinkled like an old lady's face." She frowned, bringing the iron in the living room, and she laid the shirt out on the wooden coffee table.

"Yo, you buggin'. Whea' this attitude comin' from, Zuri? You period on?" He replied, unlocking his phone when it buzzed in his pocket.

Shocked by the blunt response, Zuri halted her movements before she slowly looked back at Amazi. "What did you just say to me? Please don't ruin the mood before we even get to the airport to get on the plane, Amazi East." She said, rolling her eyes as she plugged the iron cord in the wall socket.

"I asked if you was on your period 'cause this attitude you got about to blow me." He repeated, heavily sighing when the text message that he had received caused his mood to decline more.

"My cycle already came on fa the month, you know that! So why would you even say that to me? We're already pushin' on time and now I have to iron yo shirt because you ain't do it like I told you to last night!" She yelled, feeling her frustration and anxiety increase.

"It's just a shirt, Z. A shirt the reason you wildin' out on me? I ain't ya kid, so watch who you raisin' ya tone at." He retorted, locking him phone as he sat in on the couch.

"So the principle, which I stated, just went in one ear and out the other one? Men." She frustratedly replied, ironing his shirt to rid the wrinkles that were visible.

"You got it, man. You needa be calmed down before I come back in hea'. I'm goin' to the bathroom." He muttered, exiting the living room before she could utter another word.

Zuri sighed as she shock her head, finishing up the process of ironing Amazi's shirt before she unplugged the iron. She sat the shirt on the arm of the couch and the sound of his phone buzzing caught her attention.

She picked up the phone, reading over the notification from his messages, and the contact name read M.

"The hell?" She mumbled to herself, furrowing her eyebrows as she attempted to unlock his phone.

She tried his birthday first then she tried her own birthday when the first passcode attempt failed. She lowly sighed when the second attempt also failed and before she could try a third time, she heard him leaving the guest bathroom.

"Damn it." She whispered, locking his phone as she sat it on the couch before picking up his shirt to hand to him when he walked in.

"Here." She said, handing him the freshly ironed shirt that he previously wore. "The Uber is outside."

Zuri Aniyah Banks
Later That Day

Amazi and Zuri had arrived in Miami, instantly feeling the warmth of the sun blazing on their melanin skin.

"I'm sorry about this morning, boo." Amazi apologized, holding Zuri's hand when she looked in his direction.

"I accept your apology. I apologize fa my hostile attitude. I wasn't in the right either." She replied, briefly resting her head against his arm.

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