Author's Note.

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Hello! ❤️🙃

It's been quite the journey, huh?

It's yet to sink in that we're at the end of this begining. But I did dance around happily after checking the "Complete" mark on the book - my very first official complete book! God, it makes me a bit dizzy just to hear it!

It's been pretty close to my heart. The growth of the characters, the makings of hope that some day Dean Winchester would have a better life, and the healing arc of this Y/N. Not to mention the new characters and stories along the way. The mysetery and the suspense that sometimes even confused me, lol. 😂

Here we are now, and it's rarely been that I've been so sure about something.

On another matter of the cliffhanger, if you know me then you will know I won't mean the "sorry" if I were to say it 🫣🥲. (Sorry.) However, what I can say is that this is not the end.

I've said this before, and I'll say this now, it is my dear wish to complete all the 15 seasons of the Supernatural Series - and if life agrees with me, we will have them here as well - I do have so many plans for it! I absolutely cannot wait to bring those stories to you ❤️!

Speaking of, a huge thanks to all the readers who stuck out through my learning curves, who forgave my mistakes, and who rooted for this story, the characters and the relationships forged. Hope it meant as much to you as it did me 🥰🥹. Today, it stands proud at 13K - a huge milestone for me, and it has been a collective effort from me and you 🫂🫂.

Special thanks: to my parents for all their support, to my sister who inspired bits of this story, and every friend who supported this crazed journey of mine.

To be a bit sentimental, where I come from, fiction writing is a bit of an unimaginable career. This book is the child of that passion which burns in me - to represent creative fiction writing in conditions where this is all but a pipe dream for most.

I've often been told to switch my love to non-fiction, the newspapers and such, I don't have many teachers in this field either . . . But you love what you love, right? Can't ever change it.

So, this is to fiction writing! To this book, and many more to come! To the worlds, realms, and universes of stories untold! This is to my love for the person I am when I am a fiction writer! 🍾❤️🥂

See you soon.


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