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*Old Union Church, Lebanon, Indiana. Three days later*

We all stand in the hot summer sun. All of us: Pony, Ace, Alexa, Hao, Fetzer's mom, dad and sister who just graduated high school and last of all... me. Everyone is crying, everyone but me and Pony. I can't cry. But I just feel numb. I just stare at the closed black casket, with my eyes covered with black sunglasses, knowing that the burnt up body of a guy who actually was proud of me lays in there... Or at least of what's left of him.

I stand in the front of our group; everyone from our gang. I stand in the blazing 89 degree humid sun, dressed in all black from head to toe. The top three buttons of my shirt is popped open, revealing that same silver necklace that he always wore but the bottom end is chipped off from the wreck.

I look over at Alexa who is silently crying while holding tightly into my hand. Small wet tears drip down her cheeks and fall onto her black satin dress.

Hao is standing just behind me and to my left, covering his eyes with his hand, trying to cover up his crying. Pony and Ace is standing to Alexa's right and behind us a little and he is trying to comfort Ace by putting his arm around her. Fetzer's family is across the casket and they are all weeping.

Mrs. Fetzer is a pretty woman, maybe middle forties at the most, and she was has brown curly hair that is all tucked under a black hat. Her light mascara is running down her cheek as she cries over her sons death. She has a death clench on Mr. Fetzer and Fetzer's sisters' hands.

Mr. Fetzer is a average height man and is about 50. His lower lip trembles, and his eyes tear up as he looks at the fresh six foot deep hole that holds the casket.

Fetzer's sister who is probably 18, is dabbing her eyes with a white handkerchief as she practically bawls. Her long blonde hair is neatly styled into a ponytail and pulled away from her eyes.

Everyone is crying over Fetzer's death but me. And I don't get it. Why not me?

The preacher closes his Bible and walks over to Fetzer's family, ending the small funeral for the small amount of people who cared. Hao, Pony and Ace slowly turn and walk to their cars after placing a flower on the casket, leaving me and Alexa to ourselves with Fetzer.

I look over the sleek black casket and to the brand new grave stone. It is good-sized, grey, has an engraving of his Trans Am on the top and it reads; "Bert Fetzer, November 4th, 1991 - June 9th, 2015, Gone But Never Forgotten." Next to his gravestone is another one, but a lighter grey with an engagement ring engraved on the top and it reads; "Thalia Jones, December 2nd, 1990 - June 8th, 2010, Loved Forever."

"Wow. They died within a day of each other, five years apart" I say quietly.

"What?" Alexa asks in between sobs.

"T and Fetzer. They died within a day of each other, but only five years apart" I say again.

"Oh my gosh... You're right!" Alexa exclaims and slowly looks up at me.

"But hey... At least they are together now" I say looking at the crucifix hanging on my chest. The sunlight catches the silver just right and gleams in my eyes.

Alexa then looks away and takes the small white rose out of her hair. A small wet tear falls from her soft cheeks and lands on the flower as she bends over and places it on the casket with the few other flowers. But all the other flowers are black while hers is white, making it look solitary while being on top of the others.

Alexa turns back to me and wraps her arms around my torso, "Aren't you gonna do something?" she asks.

"No" I simply reply.

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