Chapter 1: Parents.

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Where do I even start...? I'm not exceptionally good at telling stories. Usually, I just let Black yap about these things because I'm either too busy or just can't be asked to tell a story. But, if I had to ponder over it, I suppose I could start two days after the battle of Dreamland:

December 10th.

It was a crisp, cold morning as I woke up from my deep slumber of nothingness from my massive bed. I believe Black has gotten into minor details about my house, but I think I need to say even more details about my home!

The inside of my home had an intricate interior design with marble spiraling staircases located in the main hallway of my house, four other staircases at the corners of my house, an elevator, a full-on gourmet kitchen set since my father was a chef back when he was younger, a sauna, roughly thirteen bathrooms, several different bedrooms and guest rooms spread around the household, a gym, three gardens including one at the front gates, one inside my home, and one located on the roof, a small warehouse where we stored our vehicles, a spacious back-door patio, and a gigantic living room near the very front of my home.

Surrounding the exterior walls grew lengthy unformed vines that extended even into the interior walls! Meanwhile, the outward fences placed on the perimeter of my home were all mostly painted orange to match my... well, color! The exterior walls were painted white and a shade of yellow for some reason my parents didn't tell me, and finally the roof was naturally red because of uhm... reasons. I don't want to disclose who built this house though, he's a rather nasty man.

Anyways though, where was I?

Oh yeah!

I woke up from a mostly blank canvas dream I had and once I reached my closet and stepped inside, the robot (which I liked to call Susan, no reason, just felt like it) switched me into clothes that better suited me including blue jeans, a black t-shirt with an orange cardigan, and orange socks. I stepped out of the closet and looked in the mirror while smiling. I looked gooood!

"Maybe I should go for a walk." I said to myself.

Suddenly, however, I heard a sudden rustle in the kitchen.

Ah wait, that must be her. She usually came at this time to raid my fridge.

I sighed, walked out of my room, and walked through five different hallways and two rooms that I memorized by heart until I got to the gourmet kitchen.

That's where I saw Yellow.

She was wearing a long green shirt with yellow sweatpants and socks that matched her pants. She also had a sweater on yet she had taken it off and placed it flatly on the marbled kitchen-island table. I raised my eyebrows as she took out a large piece of turkey, with her teeth mind you, and placed it on the table while she placed bread, mayonnaise, auto-cooked bacon, and mustard on her sweater. She perked up at me and smiled with a funny expression on her face.

"Didn't know you were awake... my fault." She stated while she closed the fridge. I exhaled through my nose and said,

"You know you're welcome for as long as you'd like, but please, use the front door! Where did you even enter through this time?"

"Uhhhhhhhhhhh... I'd much rather not say where, hehehe." She giggled while she put the piece of turkey in between two slices of bread before she slapped mayonnaise on the turkey, put in the auto-cooked bacon, and began to munch on the quickly made-up sandwich with her sweater being used as a plate on the table. I shook my head in disappointment as Yellow gulped down a huge chunk of her sandwich and said,

"Soooo, how was your sleep?"

"Eh, felt good. Honestly, there's nothing more to say about it. Did you uhm... find him yet?" I asked her in concern. She peered at me, rolled her eyes, and said,

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