Chapter 8: Torture

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It was literal torture when I found out that the horse that I found in a random bush of all places belonged to... Lime of all people.

Let me explain this as simply as I can: Lime's horse had somehow found its way towards us, went through tens of hundreds of miles to get to Lime, and had somehow gotten stuck into a bush and was clinging onto the map to try to get out of the bush's grasp. By pulling on the map, I had inadvertently saved the horse's life from being swallowed whole by a bush.

Of course though, when I first saw the horse I didn't see it as Lime's horse. I just saw it as a random horse in some random field that was holding onto the map. I tried to snatch the map away from the tight grip of the horse's massive teeth, but for whatever reason, it had the strongest grip I'd ever seen a horse have by maw.

"Just.. let.. go!" I exclaimed as I pulled with all my might and still couldn't get the map away from its teeth without ripping it into two. I sighed and looked up towards the now clear skies to see Cyan, Lime, and Yellow there chatting about something.

"Ugh, alright. Here's the deal horse. I'll be right back to get that map, you just stay there okay?" I said towards the horse. It lightly neighed at my request, which I should've found odd, yet I was mainly focused on the map still in its teeth. I was worried that if the horse sucked in the map, it would be stuck inside its stomach.

So, I flew through the air with my wings out as fast as I could to the rest of my friends who were just goofing around with the metal ball that had been carrying Lime and had somehow become friends with the rest of them. Don't ask me how it just happened. Anyway, as I flew over to them, I heard Yellow look over to me and ask,

"Heyyy, you're back! Did you get the map?"

"I... ugh. No, I didn't. There's a freaking horse that has its teeth clamped into one part of the map. So without ripping the map fully, I can't get it."

"Well can't you just, oh I don't know, use your strength?!" Cyan asked me from behind her. I overlooked Yellow's left shoulder and said,

"I did try that! I just couldn't pull the map away even with my strength!"

"Hmmm, sounds like you're just a weakling." I grumbled at Cyan's remark and she said,

"Alright, alright! No more jokes! But lemme get this straight, there's a horse that somehow has the map stuck in its teeth?"

"I didn't say it was stuck, I said the horse was keeping it in its teeth. I need a little bit of help since I consumed some of my energy saving your butt." I said while pointing towards Cyan. She was speechless for a moment before finally giving in and saying,

"Fine, fine. But if I have to help, so do the rest of you guys!" She exclaimed towards Lime and Yellow. Lime groaned out for a loooong time before saying,

"I cant, I'm crippled!"

"No you're not you dumbass, let's go!" Cyan said back, pushing there giant metal ball she had been lying on toward the ground. Yellow sighed, shook her head, and asked while glancing at Cyan and Lime,

"She's way too much sometimes, am I right?"

"I don't know... maybe," I replied.

"Did you even know what I said?"


"What did I say then?"

"You said that you're stupid."

"No I did not!"

"Well, that's what I heard so yeah, I don't know."

"Hmph, I hate you."

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