Chapter 3: Shocker

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"So apparently, from Herbert—"

"Hold on a minute. Who the hell is Herbert?" Yellow asked her.

"The bird you idiot. She likes to call animals by their names, which in my opinion is completely stupid, but you do you I guess." Cyan said while circling her fingertips on the water bottle cap. The water inside the bottle began freezing up as soon as she did that. Lime looked at her in a squinting motion before waving her off and saying,

"Yes, Herbert is the bird's name. And it's called respect for the animals that so kindly help me Cyan." Cyan rolled her eyes while Lime continued on,

"Anyways though, I asked Herbert if he knew any information or saw anything happening near your house. Luckily for us, Herbert had been eating near your house and he saw something in the distance alongside a pack of five other birds who had also witnessed what he saw, they flew quietly over the main pathway of your house. That's when—according to Herbert—they saw your parents being taken forcefully by a gang of at least seven to eight armed men. They were packed into a floating van and levitated away from your house in a matter of seconds. One of Herbert's friends even said that one of the men had destroyed the robot that was on your front gate."

This... nearly broke me. Truth be told, I didn't want to think about the possibility of my parents being kidnapped. Yet after what she just said, the idea of them being shuffled into the back of a van became ever so closer to my vision of reality. I scratched my chin to avoid sobbing and said,

"Well, we better find those dinguses before they do something... wrong," I said. I know I wasn't that specific, but I really couldn't bring myself to say "before they kill my parents."

"Absolutely! According to Herbert, he said that the van had levitated away through the northern mountains through a little pocket and had traveled straight north before disappearing due to an early onset fog that had settled near the northern mountains. This is where we first investigate, maybe they left a clue about where they were going!"

"What possible clue could be there? Don't get me wrong, I do feel sympathy for your missing parents. But there's no way a group of eight armed and probably highly trained kidnappers had left a trace in the mountains of all places." Cyan said.

"Well, it doesn't hurt to try right?" I asked her. She looked at me and—as if she understood my pain on a mental level—immediately backed off from her stance and nodded in agreement.

"Alrighty then! We should start searching by the northern mountains first. Does anyone have any masks to cover their mouths with?" Lime asked us.

"Why do we need to wear masks at all?" Yellow asked her while we walked out of the bar section of the Convergence. Lime stared at her for a moment and Yellow glanced back at her. A sudden realization passed over her face and she said,

"Oh yeah, that's why."

We didn't bother to get masks though since we were in a time crunch for my parents. So that whole babbling portion was utterly useless!

We continued to walk through the rotary before we took the third exit and continued through the sidewalk in complete silence. It was truthfully nice, though having my own thoughts and questions to myself might seem stressful. But in reality, I had a whole lot of time to ponder about where my parents were. If Herbert was correct on the direction where my parents were taking, then they wouldn't be in South America by now since it's the Redwoods. They'd probably want my parents close to them. I just needed to know why they decided to take my parents of all people. . .

Genuinely, why was that?

Before I could finish my thoughts, we arrived at the entrance of the northern patch of forest. I think Black calls this the "golden pathway" which makes sense, supposing Gold had made this pathway golden a couple of months ago. I hated this pathway for that exact reason though, gold was slippery. Since I had horrible balance, that meant that crossing through the pathway was going to be a massive struggle.

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