Chapter 10: Cracked

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Yellow slid down the cracked hillside until she stumbled on balanced ground. Afterward, she simply sprinted through a half-made pathway until she got to the entrance of the jungle first. I on the other hand, nearly fell five times while sliding down the hillside, could barely follow the path Yellow had used since my brain was still messed up, and finally got to the jungle after wasting an ungodly amount of minutes just getting there.

"Wow, I was starting to consider making sure you were okay. Speaking of... are you sure you're okay?" Yellow asked me as I heaved my way to a tree. I leaned on it for dear life and replied with a crooked smirk,

"I'm fine, don't worry about it..! WHEEZE!" Yellow's expression was unconvinced at best. I tried to walk over to her, but my legs felt like spaghetti noodles. So instead, I continued to lean onto the tree while Yellow tried to ask me something,

"Alright, we better test out your brain before we head in. How many fingers am I holding up?" Except for my ears and eyes, the only thing I saw and heard was,

"Ilsuh, ajn-dvbe jakjn laosi knsi. Wbs kansbe am I siisdv pu?"

"Banana." I replied, holding my head to keep it from completely collapsing within itself. Yellow looked extremely concerned as I heard two sets of footsteps followed by clops behind me. I craned my neck towards my back where I saw five different Cyans, approximately nine Limes, and two different colored horses.

I was absolutely losing my mind.

"You guys look weird, what happened?" I tried to ask them. Though Cyan had said afterwards that in reality, I instead asked,

"Which one of you... creates grapes in the ocean?"

"Huh?" All five Cyans stated at the same time. Creating a type of imperfect harmony. I stared at her eyes which seemed like two dots of an abyss and asked,

"Why are there five of you?" In reality, though, I asked a sputtering spur of nonsense,

"Hurdi jornis gor cor por?" I was indeed losing my brain. Yellow, Cyan, Lime, and even Stassy looked at me as if I was crazy which by the condition I was in, I mentally was crazy.

However, before my brain could process the amount of damage it was in, I completely blacked out by the side of the tree.

I woke back up, but instead of being in a spruce jungle, I was in the pink clouded room that represented how much I resented my own dreams. Dreams are just that, dreams. You attempt to strive and achieve them to the best of your ability, only to follow up just short and be made a fool of by your own brain. I had once dreamed of a certain common factor in life called liberation. But where did that get me? It got me here, knocked completely unconscious by my own deteriorating brain, due to my own delirious solutions to a problem that I shouldn't even have to tackle. My parents were still kidnapped, and I hadn't had any remote progress throughout these past few days or so.

I mean seriously, what the hell did we do!? The only thing my brain remembers was just traveling through the northern mountain, barely escaping from Windios and a bunch of metal balls, and being scraped by Ruby to get here. Alongside a massive concussion in my messed up brain to even think about anything other than pain.

I got up slowly from the pink clouds under my body and as I looked around, I noticed the rainbow that would usually be in front of me was instead behind me.

Why was that?

I was concerned about the rainbow and my head continued to feel like it was on a roller coaster. I mumbled to myself,

"I need to sit down.. where's that table and chair when I need it?!" I glanced around before I suddenly had the urge to look upward. I tried to instead crane my neck downward to the pink clouds under my feet. But for whatever reason my neck and head had a mind of its own as I stared upwards to the sky.

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