Chapter 9: Nope

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Nooope, just... no. I'm not even going to go into that gas station building! I'm simply going to head out of there as quick as possible, maybe knock a couple of cameras here and there, and fly away. Simple as that right!? Because that's obviously what I did when I just saw Ruby, a crazy murderer of all people, directly inside the building!

Oh! It looks like I'm running TOWARD the building!? Well, perhaps it was because I saw Cyan inside that building and wanted to get her out of there. Perhaps it was because I wanted to knock out the cameras encompassing the building's exterior and interior.

Welp, it looks like the actual reason I went inside was because I was a complete moron! I thought that maybe if I distracted Ruby long enough, Cyan would be back from wherever she was and we would go on our merry way! Instead of just simply waiting for her near Stassy, I decided to make the single most idiotic decision I've ever made up to that point in my life:

I went towards where Ruby was, which unironically was the knives section of the store (and yes, gas station stores do in fact sell knives. Don't ask why, it's just customary for them). As soon as I reached the aisle that Ruby was on, I stupidly yelled out,

"HEY!" And this, my dear readers, would genuinely be the most foolish matter I've done so far,

"YOU THERE!" I yelled out at Ruby while pointing towards her. She looked at me with her big, beady, and red eyes and smiled wildly right at me. She was holding a chocolate bar, and she set it aside on the countertop with the terrified cashier hiding behind the register. Ruby snapped both of her fingers twice which caused double scythes to appear out of nowhere. I gulped as I held out my cape with both of my hands. I soon realized the terrifying mistake I just made.

I glanced behind me and saw Yellow and Lime, who had chased me all the way there, looking absolutely flabbergasted towards me. Yellow held her hand up, slowly dragged it across her face in stress, and entered the store alongside me.

"Hm... well isn't this an interesting development! I have two sheep here, and I'm just the collector of their meat." Ruby said while circling around a collection of bean cans at the center of the store. Yellow went in front of me and asked mockingly,

"Don't you mean the shepherd?"

"Hmph, no. I'd rather call myself a butcher than a person who just leads around the sheep. You know what's very interesting though? While I kill people for a very handsome reward, you and your posse of idiotic followers kill people for a 'cause' that's utterly useless. You can't turn off the sheep's mind to no end, to no means, to no benefit or satisfaction." She said while Yellow walked around the cans directly opposite where Ruby was stepping. As they both walked around the cans, Ruby said,

"Yellow... formerly known as Emily. I've heard and seen a whole lot about and from you. Other than that, you've completely gone under my radar since your stint back at my basement."

"Why did I need to be under your radar in the first place asshat? I'm perfectly fine with me, myself, and I." Yellow replied while she put the box in the grasp of her right hand. This resulted in her staff transforming from the box into existence.

"Nice toy you got there. What do you do with it? Play pretend?" Ruby asked her while smiling. Yellow scowled at her and replied,

"I'd much prefer killing people like you rather than pretend to kill people like you, Ruby. What do you do with your double scythes anyway? Oh, lemme guess! Cut up vegetables for the rest of your family to enjoy?"

"I'd much rather slice your throat off than cut off a couple of carrots, Yellow." They stopped directly opposite of each other and as they stared at the cans. Yellow tilted her head to the right to catch sight of Ruby and said,

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