Chapter 14: Speechless

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I had no words... seriously, I truly had no words about our current situation. We were stuck in the middle of literal nowhere. We had no map, no direction, nothing. And better yet? We had just been tricked by a rabbit of all sorts of monsters and creatures we'd come across.

"Why?" I asked as my voice was lost in the dry, cracked ground under me. I was lost for words and for a sense of, well, anything for that matter. I glanced at Yellow and she had the same distraught facial expression on her face. She knew we had just been absolutely tricked by that rabbit too.

"I... can't believe it." Yellow said in the same lost voice that I had. However, before I could even process how that rabbit even tricked me in the first place, Cyan shouted,

"WELL YOU BETTER BELIEVE IT NOW! Oh my god, oh my FUCKING GOD! How could all of us be so unbelievably stupid!? Now we're probably hundreds or thousands of miles away from where your parents are being kept!"

Lime rubbed her forehead and sighed in disbelief while Yellow shook her head and bit her bottom lip. She was devastated over this, as I was too since I closed my eyes and realized that my second barrier of calmness had officially broken. If one more thing or creature pushed me over the edge, then I'd likely... do more wrong than good.

"Alright, well! We better start heading somewhere if we wanna get back there right?" Lime asked in hopeless optimism. Cyan slowly craned her neck toward her and suddenly yelled,

"Lime, you don't understand. WE'RE COMPLETELY LOST! I CAN'T EVEN RECOGNIZE THE SKY ABOVE ME FOR FUCKS SAKE!" Lime's usual smile crumbled down into a nervous frown while Yellow looked at a rock beneath her feet and breathed ever so heavily.

And me? Oh, I didn't know by this point. My feelings were so conflicted that I didn't know whether to swear, cry, laugh, or do all three at the same time. I couldn't believe the situation we put ourselves in, it seemed so uncharacteristic of us. We had never been tricked in our lives, even Lime hadn't. Yet here we were, having trusted a rabbit that completely screwed us over.

"Let's just... go. Somewhere, anywhere, it doesn't matter. Maybe we'll find something." I said in little confidence. Yellow looked disgusted and gritted her teeth in pure rage as Lime immediately nodded in agreement. Cyan, however, continued to argue with me for no reason,

"Where are we supposed to go Orange!? No offense to you, but there's a total of nothing here that could give us any indication of a clear direction we're supposed to go. Unless we can just pick and choose where to go, or maybe if we have a map, then we would get to your parents more quickly that way!"

"Let's go anywhere." I repeated myself. I sniffled and went to where the sun was starting to set while Cyan hesitated and suddenly grabbed my wrist. She tried to explain to me,

"Okay Orange, I'm not usually a super serious kind of person when it comes to reasoning with people like you and Lime but I... I'm pleading with you. Let's just think about where to go next before we blindly go in the opposite direction of where we're supposed to go!? Maybe we can use the sun to our advantage since it points out the eas—"

"Shut up." Yellow suddenly said. We all darted at her and saw her eyes growing a bright yellow flame. Oh crap.. she was pissed pissed.

"What did you say to me?" Cyan asked her in sincerity, obviously not reading Yellow's out-of-control emotions. Yellow's baggy eyes twitched as she looked up at Cyan with deadly blazes in her eyes. There was an awkward pause for around ten to twenty seconds before she uttered,

"Don't act dumb, you know exactly what I said. We're going to go in a random direction until we find a town that'll give us a general direction. So shut the hell up, and let's go." Her yellow-shaded wings extended out of her body and she flew up through the air. Cyan looked furiously at Yellow before scoffing and looking at me and Lime who were right next to each other.

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