Chapter 4: Loser

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We had taken our shoes and socks off, placed them in our grasps, and continued our way through the swampy waters. The only thing Cyan had warned us about was the leeches that lurked in the water. Yet, I didn't mind them as much as the monster I had just fought back there.

We glimpsed below ourselves to see if there was anything swimming in the shallow water or flying towards us from the half-green and dead trees. Though, there was nothing there. It was actually kind of... peaceful believe it or not! Even the dirt under my feet felt soothing, maybe I was in another illusion?!

"Hey Cyan..." Yellow began to say.


"Are you sure we aren't in another illusion?" She asked her.

"I'm like, 100% sure that the swamp we're walking through isn't an illusion. Trust me, I was with Tan and Black when I first entered here. If they didn't make me furious, I don't know what did." She said while the water waded past our legs. We moved closer and closer to the center of the swamp.

I was still highly cautious over what could've been lurking throughout the swamp, but I calmed down and readjusted myself over the possible jeopardies in the shallow waters. Only leeches Orange!

Only, Leeches!

Speaking of those leeches. I had to grab about seven of these buggers and throw them away from my legs. It was rather annoying, yet other than that it kept me energized and focused on the topic at hand. My parents.

I should've been more nervous for them. Hell, as I was walking through the swamp I knew I should've been fearful for them. But my mind for whatever reason couldn't produce that anger and anxiety that I desperately needed. It was like I was immune to anger. However, I wasn't exactly born this way. From a young age, I actually had the opposite problem I had right then and there.

I was angry.

I did have temper tantrums.

They just weren't present in my body anymore. I missed those feelings. It made me feel... and I can't believe I'm about to say this, norma—

"What's that?" Lime suddenly asked while pointing toward an odd wooden structure. Cyan and Yellow darted to where she was pointing while I took off yet another leech from my left kneecap.

"Oh... I forgot about this place. Uhm, do you three remember the old lady that died in the battle?" Cyan asked us three while I waded through the water to them. Yellow shrugged while Lime and I nodded. It was a blurry memory of hearing all of the people who died. I didn't exactly want to remember that detail of my life as much as the rest.

"Well, when Black, Tan, and I came here. This was where she had been living with that coffin of a tanning bed." She said, looking at the wooden structure that had stills holding up the structure from the shallow water and a long, wooden staircase to the elevated front door. I was tempted to head inside to see if there was anything useful in there...

But Yellow beat me to it.

"W-Wait Yellow. What the hell are you doing?" Cyan asked her. Yellow, however, ignored her and continued to walk through the water before she stepped foot onto the first step of the staircase. That was when we heard a woman or girl... I couldn't tell, scream out,


That got Yellow to immediately sprint back to the water while the front door suddenly swung open. We all glanced towards the door where a familiar face appeared. Though I hadn't exactly talked with her all that much, I did know her name because of Black.

It was Kate.

"It's us, Kate! It's us!" I yelled out.

"Oh yeah, Orange, that helps sooo much. Anyway though, it's Cyan, Lime, Orange, and Yellow! Mind if we come in?" Cyan asked her while I rubbed my legs away from the leech bites that were repeatedly being bitten onto my calf.

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