Chapter 2: Lost

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I sprinted out the door and tried to scream for my parents one last time, but yet again, it was completely useless. I looked throughout the entire front yard—which in reality, was a small forest—seeing not a single person nor a trace of my parents leaving. They just disappeared out of completely nowhere!

I jumped from the front porch's steps and ran towards the trees to see if there was any sign of where my parents had gone. Maybe they were just pranking me!? But it wasn't even April yet! Oh my god... oh my god... oh my GOD!!!

Seriously, if they were pranking me then this wasn't very funny! I peeked around a trunk of a tree and saw nothing. I glanced inside a bush and saw nothing again. I looked above me towards the overhanging branches that blocked half of the sunlight barely glistening on my body and ground. I didn't see any signs or traces of my parents even giving me a clue about where they were.

My stomach felt hefty while I walked all the way from the front of the house to the front garden by the wide-open front gates. My breathing was irregular, the palms of my hands were sweaty, my forehead was numb with troubling thoughts, and my fingertips were aching over all of the bushes and plants I had to push through. I was panicking, I didn't know where my family was, or better yet how they were in the first place.

My eyes stared at the crops. The plant my mom had been working on before I left—a purple tulip—was wholly stomped on. The rest of her plants though, were untouched. I went on my knees and picked up the stomped tulips by its bare stem. It was broken in so many positions that it reminded me so much of my own... life. . .

AHHH! What was I thinking!? My parents were going to be fine! My mom was probably on one of her weekly hikes, and my dad was probably visiting Yellow's house! Even though my mom usually went on her hikes during Wednesdays and it was Monday. Plus, my dad would usually leave a note in the kitchen if he ever left the house...

Maybe he forgot! Maybe my mom accidentally stepped on this purple tulip when she began on her hike! That had to be it right!? Yeah, right!

"They'll probably come back in a few minutes, I'm overreacting too much! They're gonna be just fine." I exclaimed to myself. Yet, as the minutes ticked on by, and while the sun started to go into its daily setting motion, all that was left was me sitting down on the front porch's steps:

Motionless, speechless, downright terrified. My parents hadn't come back, and my hope dwindled into the size of an ant I stared towards, trying desperately to climb its way into an ant hill with a broken leg. I sympathized with that ant... I might have even empathized with it.

Suddenly though, I glanced out towards the main pathway and saw someone walking alongside the trees. This was it! This must've been my mom coming back from her hike! I sprang up from the stone front porch's steps and ran down to the exit of the main pathway. I waited patiently before I saw my mo—

"Oh. I didn't expect you to be here of all places." Yellow said while she carried a medium-sized duffel bag behind her back. I had a feeling that she was on the verge of raiding through our fridge once again. So naturally, I asked in a disappointing tone,

"Lemme guess, you're here for the food in my pantry and fridge right?"

"PFFFFT, WHAT!? ME?! Never! I was called here by yourrr... dad! He just needs me to carry some stuff is all! He actually uhm, came to my parent's house, yeah! A-And you know how your dad and mine are p-pretty close, right?! So h-he came to my house and—"

"Yellow just... don't. He's not even here, and I know for a fact that he isn't since I searched everywhere around the house!"

"No offense Orange, but that seems a little impossible assessing how huge your house is." I gave her a stern look which made her immediately stutter and say,

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