Chapter 5: Fly

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We soared through the air and as the rushing wind ran through my hair like an inflated comb, I felt pure relaxation all around me for seemingly the very first time. Though, I shouldn't be feeling this serenity. After all, my parents were missing.

"WOOOO-HOOO!!" I heard Lime exclaim. She had been flying wildly in the air for around three minutes straight. She had probably pushed past the leech incident that had happened only a handful of minutes beforehand. She was having fun, and I was happy for her. I just envied that joy and spark that I used to have, that I should have right now.

"So after we travel northwards, what's next?" Yellow asked me. I looked toward her and sighed as I said,

"I don't know. Maybe we'll find someone along the way who saw the floating van my parents were put in. Maybe we'll get lucky and find the van my parents were kidnapped in parked in a gas station. Who knows?!" I was a tad bit agitated considering I felt like I wasn't doing enough. In other words, I was in a grumpy mood. Yellow noticed this disposition and backed off by playfully saying,

"Heh! It's a nice day outside isn't it?"

"Mhm. Just perfect." I replied flatly. Yellow looked worryingly at Cyan who had been silent throughout the entire time we'd been flying, which was around ten minutes or so. Cyan looked up at Yellow and said, out-loud mind you,

"What do you want me to do!? I can't cheer this man up! His parents have been kidnapped for Christ's sake! Just lemme go back to watching the grass moving by the wind alright?" She proceeded to glance downwards at the tall grass that was swiftly moving by the wind. I looked downwards with her and as the grass moved by the wind, I felt so... calm. But angry at the same time. God damn it! Was this what puberty felt like!?!

"HEY!" Lime exclaimed right next to my ear. I shrieked out a shout and said,

"What the hell was that for!!?"

"I have a question." Lime said while her four ahoges continued to bounce on her head with the breeze. I sighed, rolled my eyes, and asked,

"What is it?"

"If we're currently in our puberty phase. Why don't we have acne?"

"I... don't know Lime? Just leave me be." I stated while rubbing my arms. Lime just shrugged and went ahead of us with her sparkling light green wings. I looked towards Yellow and she had been staring at me this entire time. As soon as I glanced at her though, she snapped her neck forward and whistled a broken tome.

"What is it?" I asked her. She turned towards me and rubbed her neck while asking,

"What do you mean?!"

"What I mean is..."

"What. Is. It?" I asked her in a deepening tone. She smiled playfully, which just reminded me of my lost joy, and said,

"Ah nothing! I just thought I saw something to your left, but I guess not!" I exhaled through my nose and looked towards my left. There was nothing there. I looked towards my right where Yellow had been, caught sight of her diving down with her bright yellow wings, and picking up a butterfly with her hands. I furrowed my eyebrows and bucked upwards in the sun's direction. I closed my eyes and felt the warm sunlight on my face. However, that warmth was quickly interrupted when Cyan suddenly asked,

"Is that a police station!?"

"Would you please shut up for a minute stra—wait. A police station?"

"Yeah, look!" Cyan exclaimed while pointing towards a patch of trees that I could barely spot with my own eyes. I squinted towards the trees for a moment before shaking my head and saying,

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