Chapter 7: Wind

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I woke up the next morning in absolute pain. Just a friendly reminder that this was the first time in over a year that I had ever slept outside of my own bed. The rough dirt didn't make for a great surface to sleep on. Plus with no pillows, it made my neck and head all stiff. Still, I slept quickly... it was just that my body was a little sore.

I looked around and saw that everyone else was sleeping. That was strange... what time was it? Usually, I sleep until around the late morning since I just adore sleeping late ever since we didn't go to school anymore. But still, the sun was already up and it didn't look like it was early in the morning at all. Did we all oversleep last night?!

I got up quickly and checked my pockets for any type of watch or phone, but unfortunately for me, I left both of those back at my house. So, I would have to rely on the only clock I had with me.


"Pssst... Yellow! Wake up!" I whispered to her. She fumbled around on the dirty ground for a bit before dozing back off into sleep. I grumbled and thought of shaking her awake.

But that would be rude, wouldn't it?

At the same time though, the curiosity of the time poked at my mind like a... poker? Sorry, I'm not exactly the best at writing. Black is usually the one that does this weird forte.

I stared at the gravel road and saw that the sunlight reflected directly off of it in a blinding light. The sun didn't look like it was rising or setting, while also being directly above the sky.

Oh hell no... it's noon time! I quickly went over to Yellow and shook her violently to get her to wake up.

But apparently, it looked like the night before she had taken freaking sleeping pills because she just wouldn't wake up! I smacked her arms and shoulders before finally giving up on being kind and smacking her gently on the face. She still wouldn't wake. I sighed and looked towards Lime and Cyan who were sleeping peacefully on the bench and ground. I had enough and yelled,


"AH! Oh, it's just you. Why did you have to scream that so loudly?!" Cyan exclaimed from the ground. Lime woke up startled and looked directly at me with a grumble. I glimpsed towards Yellow and still saw her asleep. I turned my head to her chest and saw her still breathing.


However, she still wasn't waking up.

"Hey, can you help me wake up Yellow? I've tried everything and she isn't opening her eyes in the slightest." I said towards Lime and Cyan. While Lime stretched out and nodded slightly, Cyan frowned and said,

"You think I'm going to help you after you just ruined a perfect dream of mine? Hell no!" She exclaimed. I rolled my eyes at her and turned towards Yellow once more. She didn't even snore, not one bit. Honestly, it was impressive how she didn't snore at all, I wish I could do that.

"Okay, what's wrong with her?" Lime asked me as she went over to me. I first looked at her shoulder and saw that the leaf had absorbed most of the blood and it wasn't seeping anymore. The only matter I was worried about was the infections that would assumably happen to her from that open wound...

We truly needed to get her to a proper hospital.

The next thing I looked at was her hair. Did it... grow? When I saw her last night, her four ahoges and her usual shoulder-length hair were standing perfectly still. Now though, her hair had overgrown mid-way down her back as she stood proudly at the size of, well, a dwarf.

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