Chapter 15: Fuck

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This... sucks. I haven't exactly reflected as much as I should've throughout my whole journey, perhaps it was because my mind was too distracted with not dying. Perhaps it was because I had gotten too injured mentally to do anything to think straight. Yet I wholeheartedly believed that what I was doing was right. I mean let's be honest, 98% of the human population would try to save their parents from kidnappers hired by the Government...

And now that I say that, it sounds like I'm one of those crazy conspiracists who believe aliens actually exist. Well unfortunately for me, my situation wasn't any type of conspiracy, it was a reality. Trust me, I didn't want it to be an actuality either, but here we were!

Speaking of realities... my imagination must've been playing with me. Because there was no way that Ruby had suddenly appeared out of an abyss.

My vision spun as Ruby glanced from me, to Yellow, then to both Cyan and Lime who were standing side-by-side while Lime was trying to heal Cyan's head. I clenched my jaw and Ruby stood up from her chair, leaned on the table, and stared directly at me.

"Pinch me, I must be dreaming," I said. I glanced back at Ruby. She smiled devilishly and said,

"I'll do much more than simply pinch you." My heart thumped inside my chest. Yellow sighed and rubbed her knees with her hands before looking up at Ruby and quiveringly asking her,

"What do you want?"

"What makes you think I need something from you?" She asked her. Yellow squinted at her and responded,

"Why else would you be here?"

"Because I simply want to look at the barbarians fighting in the dirt! But you four were a nice addition to the usual scope of fighting here." She said with a sly smile. Cyan tried to escape from Lime's grasp, yet she held her back. Ruby saw Cyan trying to launch toward her and began to laugh,

"AHHAHAHAHA! Do you really want to try to attack me? Especially contemplating your fighting skills, I'd say you have a very slim chance of defeating me."

"Fuck you," Cyan said as she nearly spat at her. However, her saliva only traveled up to Lime's shoes.

"Eww... why would you even try that?" Lime asked her. Ruby continued to cackle maniacally as Cyan replied,

"I thought it would've worked?"

"That's so mindless!" Lime exclaimed. Ruby laughed and exclaimed,

"Ahahaha! You two are seriously more comical than my cousins! How amazing...! How tragic that your comical abilities will only be limited to today."

She knocked the chair behind her and jerked slowly back away through the hallway. The walls were becoming more and more distant around us. Meanwhile, Ruby laughed over and over again in the same pitch and tone,




The laugh continued to echo all around us until all of a sudden, there were no more walls around us. However, instead, an empty void that only had the table, chair, and bell remaining. All the while we heard Ruby continuously laugh directly at us until for a brief moment, we couldn't hear anything.

It was complete silence.

Then, after a second of pure bliss, we suddenly heard multiple goggling chants surpassing the entirety of where we were. The echoes of these chants only grew louder once the walls surrounding us finally stopped to reveal that the hallway... transformed into a massive room. Ruby's laugh had dissipated into these chants that I, nor my friends, could interpret whatsoever. What we did understand, however, was the clear indication of a microphone ringing across the room followed by Ruby's voice yelling through the microphone,

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10 ⏰

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